Monthly in cats as it looks. How does the estrus appear in a cat?

The reproductive estrous cycle, or estrus, includes four distinct stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus and anestrus. The signs of one of them may overlap another. The duration of each stage is individual for each animal. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine the time frame for coverage. Unlike dogs, cats lack blood allocation during sexual hunting. To determine whether a cat has estrus, you can by its behavior and a slight swelling of the mucous genitals.

The onset of estrus, or its first stage, lasts 1-2 days and can be seen by the owner due to the more restless behavior of the cat. The most subtle indicator of this stage is the cat. You can see that the cat has a slightly enlarged and moist vulva. There is also increased appetite and anxiety. She utters low throaty cries and more than usual crocks to the master. She is attractive to cats, but still does not admit them to herself. Proestrus is characterized by a period of courtship, during which the very presence of a cat nearby stimulates the activation of hormones in the cat, which leads to real estrus.


The second stage of the estrous cycle is estrus, or the estrus itself, the stage of sexual susceptibility. This is what the breeders talk about as a crying call to a cat, or hunting. It can last either one or twenty-one days, with an average duration of 5-7 days. The most favorable for coverage are 3-5 days. Although this factor is very individual for each cat (some of them are ovulated no earlier than 9-10 days).

Depending on the temperament of the cat (most often due to its breed), it demonstrates its state in different ways. One cat becomes "screaming", constantly mewing loudly, the other, representing a miserable sight, lies flattened - suffers silently, only occasionally "grunting", causing everyone with its unfortunate appearance universal sympathy. But both of them become more intrusive and affectionate, rub against objects and unambiguously stare at all male representatives (cat, host, guest). They roll on the floor, and if you stroke the lumbosacral area in the cat, then the perianal area may come down, the cat crouchs on the front paws and, as it were, "tramples" the rear, pulls the tail aside and rolls on the floor. The animal's appetite is reduced or absent. Frequent urination is noted.

At the top of estrus the cat often screams as if suffering from unbearable pain, this is the call that worries all cats in the district. To determine if the cat is ready for the cover, gently hold it and slide your hand along the back - from the neck to the tail. If so, she will lift the pelvis up, pull the tail aside and begin to stamp her hind legs in one place.

There is also a so-called "erased" heat that passes with imperceptible or muted signs. The very estrus, which is very pleased with the usual owners of cats and greatly upsets the breeders, planning to have pedigreed kittens.

Interestras (meteestrus).

The third stage of the reproductive cycle is metestrosis.

It lasts from 2 to 19 days, an average of 8 days. In this period, the cat is no longer interested. Now she aggressively drives away the cat when trying to cover it.

The further development of the cycle depends on whether fertilization has occurred. If ovulation has occurred, the cat's sexual instinct fades. If the pairing was not, after 1-2 weeks the cat will enter a new cycle, beginning with proestrus. If the sexual intercourse caused ovulation, but the fertilization did not occur, then a false pregnancy may occur, lasting 35-45 days ..

With a favorable outcome, the fertilization of the egg takes place within 24-48 hours after the coating. Some cats ovulate after 12 hours. In most cases, the ovaries throw four eggs, but there are cases when 12 kittens were born.

After 58-74 days the cat gives birth to the young.

However, if the cat is deprived of all kittens during childbirth, the estrus will come much earlier, and sometimes it happens that the first sexual cycle can occur even on the second day of lactation. Estrus can renew itself several times during the pregnancy of a cat.


If fertilization does not occur, the fourth stage of the reproductive cycle begins - the stage of sexual rest. As a rule, this is the seasonal period of a short daylight hours.

How often does estrus occur, and how to determine its beginning?

For females of all animals, the cyclic nature of sexual behavior is characteristic. Its general regulation is carried out by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which reacts both to changes in the body (the level of hormones, for example), and to changes occurring in the surrounding world (in particular, the duration of a light day).

The task of the hypothalamus is to prepare the animal for mating, pregnancy, childbirth and to ensure the normal performance of the calmed down functions. The hypothalamus does this by controlling the release of hormones by the pituitary gland (located at the base of the brain), which in turn affects the release of hormones of estrogen and progesterone.

In cats, the period of sexual passivity (anestherius) is on average four months. Passivity is associated with the shortness of the light day (less than 12-14 hours per day) and (to a much lesser extent) with a decrease in temperature. Consequently, in cats that are kept in houses with artificial lighting, this period may either be absent or be very short.

During the year, cats usually have 2-3 peaks of sexual activity; In the Northern Hemisphere, this time occurs at intervals from the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer and from the end of summer to the end of autumn.

The estrogen cycle of estrus begins with a preparatory stage (called proesterus), during which the cat is often very affectionate, but restless and does not express a desire to enter into sexual intercourse. A cat walks around the room, often rubs on furniture and can roll on the floor. Often she peed more than usual. Unlike dogs, cats at this time slightly swell the vulva, but vaginal discharge does not occur. After 1-3 days, the estherus begins, and at this time the cat prepares for mating.

The characteristics described above are enhanced. The animal rolls on the floor, issuing characteristic howls, which are usually called recruiting. Especially piercing Siamese cats. The behavior of the animal is so dramatic that the owners, seeing this for the first time, usually believe that the cat has the greatest pain, and then immediately run to the veterinarian. If you stroke a cat, she immediately becomes a pose for mating (the same position she takes in the presence of a cat): the front paws are bent, and the back of the body is raised, so that the back is concave. The tail is pressed to the side and the cat, having fallen to the floor, makes trampling movements with its hind legs.

A cat can reject food and water everything around the urine. If it is locked, it can persist in trying to escape to the street. Even if these signs are not very noticeable for you (and this happens, if the cat is to mate for the first time), neighbor cats will undoubtedly figure out what's going on and will gather around your house.

Unlike most mammals, the ovaries of cats do not secrete an ovum (this is called ovulation) if the cat did not have a pairing. In this respect, cats are like rabbits, ferrets and mink. Ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after mating.

If the mating occurred, within 1-2 days all the signs of the esterus disappear. If not, the "heat" lasts 10-12 days. If the result is pregnancy, then there is no sexual activity, and if not, then for esterus there comes a period of "calm" (diesterus), and after 7-12 days there are signs of proesterus, marking the beginning of a new peak. Thus, the asteroid cycles are repeated after about 21 days. The older the cat, the shorter

Cycle. In 12 percent of cats, and especially in Siamese, the diesterus (the interval between periods of passion) is absent, animals can continuously make up calls and intercourse for 6-10 weeks. This phenomenon is called nymphomania and can create significant inconvenience to the hosts.

Cats do not have pronounced mating seasons, and it seems that they are ready to mate all year round, although in fact their activity increases in the spring, and in winter it decreases. This, of course, is due to the presence or absence of females who want to have sexual intercourse.

Problems of mating cats and cats

Usually cats are guided by instinct when they mate, which tells them how and what to do, so that they perfectly cope with the task of procreation without the help of the masters. But it happens that mating does not happen. We'll figure out why this can be.

Problems at the cat: does not show interest in the cat

Possible reasons:

  • The cat is brought to the cat, not the cat to the cat. Once in unusual conditions, some cats begin to get nervous and lose interest in the opposite sex. Remember the simple rule: binding must occur on the territory of the cat, not the cat.
  • The cat has hormonal problems. A very low level of male hormone testosterone can cause the cat to lose its sexual attraction to cats.
  • And for a cat, and for a cat it's the first mating. An inexperienced cat may become confused, and a cat will not know how to help it. The first breeding of a young cat is best done with an experienced cat.
  • Past negative experience of the cat. For example, during the first mating the black partner scratched the cat, and now he does not want to knit the black cats, but does not experience any difficulties with the cats. In this case, it is better to go to the cat on the occasion and pick up a cat suitable color.
  • Cat simply does not like the cat that was brought to him. Cats, like humans - they can feel disgust for a partner. For example, an aggressive, dominant cat may not like the cat.

Sometimes an inexperienced cat is interested in a cat, makes a cage and produces characteristic movements, but penetration (penetration of the penis) does not occur, as it turned out to be "too high" on the cat. In this case, the owner can cautiously help him, laying his hand on the croup and pressing a little. Or you can let the events go on as usual, hoping that the cat will eventually figure out what to do (this usually happens).

  • always bring the cat to the cat, and not vice versa
  • pairing inexperienced cats with experienced cats
  • if nothing helps, then arrange a mating with another cat.

Problems in CAT: refuses to mating

Possible reasons:

  • Incorrectly selected cat cycle time.
  • Stress from moving and staying in unfamiliar surroundings. Usually after a while passes.
  • Hormonal disorders of a cat, health problems.
  • The cat does not like the cat or the environment where it was brought.
  • leave the cat and cat together for quite some time (several hours or even days).
  • if the cat behaves aggressively, give it the opportunity to watch the cat from the cage or carry it and get used to it
  • if nothing helps, then arrange mating with another cat.

Intending to have a female kitten, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the fact that at a certain age the animal will begin estrus. There is nothing to worry about, this is a natural process for all living beings. However, the future owner should get an idea in advance of what to expect and how to help the pet in this not very simple period for her.

Understand what is heat

Estrus is the scientific name of the word "estrus" that is habitual for us. At this time, the females undergo a psychophysiological alteration of the organism, preceding the pairing. At the stage of estrus in the ovaries of the cat, follicles ripen, ovulation occurs and conception becomes available.

Signs of the onset of estrus:

  • changes in the behavior of the pet. Perhaps the emergence of two extremes: either excessive aggression, or exorbitant complaisance;
  • callous, uterine meow. Often a cat can call a cat almost daily;
  • easy swelling of the genitals (it is often recognized only by a specialist);
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • a decrease and even a lack of appetite. It can be manifested as in the first day, and throughout the entire phase of estrus;
  • changes in the gait: hind legs are half bent, tail is cocked and withdrawn;
  • on the genitals appear clear, not bloody discharge. An animal often takes care of its intimate zone.

The signs of estrus can be observed both in a complex and alternately. Consider another important fact: the territory is marked not only by cats, during estrus, this can be done by cats.

There is such a thing as "erased estrus", in which sexual hunting in the female is practically not manifested. Such a phenomenon, as a rule, is observed in weakened cats of patients with obesity or other diseases. The appearance of "erased estrus" is also possible in healthy, few temperamental females. And yet, before you enjoy the opportunity to sleep at night, it is worthwhile to show the pet to the veterinarian.

When cats have puberty

Many owners of young cats are interested in the question: how soon will their favorites start estrus. However, there is no unequivocal answer. On the fact that when the cat has the first heat, many factors can influence: the breed and dimensions of the pet, the season, the presence of a cat nearby, and even the color of a domestic predator.

The average first ovulation in the females of the "cat" family occurs at the age of 6-8 months. Nevertheless, in a number of cases it can begin only by 1 year. If after a year the cat has not started estrus - this is an occasion to sound an alarm. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of an animal hormonal disorders or diseases. It is necessary to show the pet to the doctor for an establishment of the exact reasons and reception of the management to their elimination.

Duration and regularity of estrus

Both are individually for each individual cat. However, speaking of generalized data, the first estrus is often short-lived. Subsequently, its duration increases, and can be from 5 to 10 days; rarely - up to 20 days. The intervals between the estrus can vary from 15 days to 6 months; less often - up to 1 year.

Factors on which breaks between estrus depend:

  1. Season. Most often, the estrus is regular until the winter season, then temporarily ceases. This is due to the fact that the maturation of the follicle depends on the duration of the light day.
  2. Specificity of living conditions of the animal.
  3. Environment.
  4. Breed.
  5. Presence / absence of contacts with their own kind
  6. Features of cat physiology.

In general, if you know the duration of your pet's estrus, you can easily calculate the intervals between its offsets. When you are concerned about how often a pet dies, consult a veterinary clinic. The doctor will take into account all the specifics of your cat and help in selecting the means and methods for normalizing or eliminating this process (drugs, sterilization).

The beginning of the first heat: what to do when sterilizing

If breeding in your plans is not included, then everything is quite simple: in any actions there is no need, estrus will pass by itself. At the end it will be possible to sterilize the pet. Consider the fact that an operation of this kind should not be carried out at the height of heat, it is necessary to wait for its completion.

On the other hand, when there is an extreme need for this (medical indications), sterilization of the cat during this period is still permissible. In the process of the release of the ovules from the follicles, the cats have much less bloody discharge than the dogs. A competent doctor will be able to perform a qualitative operation even in such difficult conditions. After sterilization, the estrus in the cat stops completely.

In a number of cases, cats are marked with estrus and after sterilization. Nevertheless, this is an abnormal phenomenon. Continuation of sexual hunting in the animal will be indicative of a substandard operation: either inaccurate manipulations, or only one ovary is cut out. In order to avoid such negligence, it is only necessary to seek help of this kind in veterinary clinics with a good reputation.

In order not to disturb the stability of the operation of the feline organism, it is recommended to allow 1-2 animals to survive before sterilization. So that during this period you do not have any discomfort, it is worthwhile to ask in advance how to calm the pet. For such purposes in the pharmacy for animals sold a lot of hormonal drugs. However, before buying them, you need to consult a doctor.

The veterinarian must be informed:

  • the number of estrus prior to contacting the doctor;
  • describe the behavior of a pet during the period of estrus;
  • his further intention with respect to sexual hunting is the pet: sterilization or breeding.
  • on consultation, taking note of the information received, the doctor will advise the medicine suitable for your pet and help her survive this difficult period.

Many veterinarians do not recommend long-term use of contraceptives. There is a high risk that subsequently the cat will have complications in bearing or childbirth. In addition, kittens that have been born, with a high degree of probability will have various congenital pathologies.

When it is better to acquire offspring

The owners, who decided to acquire offspring, before pairing the pet should wait for the first 2-3 estrus. During this period, it is impossible to suppress sexual hunting with contraceptive drugs, pet cries of the pet will stoically wait out.

Due to the fact that for each cat the intervals between the estrus are individual, make sure that sexual intercourse with subsequent fertilization does not occur too early. During the reorganization of the cat's body under estrus, the general psychophysical plan of the animal is debugged. By the time of fertilization, the pet should be ready for conception, not only physically, but also psychologically. Otherwise, you run the risk of harming her health.

On choosing a boyfriend for a pet should be taken care of in advance. When the cat is ready and it starts estrus, you can carry the pet to the cat. The fact that the conception occurred, you will find out in 1-2 days after the stopped sexual hunting.

For the time of gestation, delivery and feeding of kittens, the cat will not have estrus. Again, it will manifest itself 3-3.5 months after lambing. If the kittens are taken away from the cat mom, estrus can begin on the 2nd day of lactation.

Avoid mistakes

The most common are two typical errors:

  1. Contraception. The fact that you know the symptoms of estrus, and you can easily identify it, this is not a reason to flee to the pharmacy for drugs that suppress sexual pleasure. It is not enough to have knowledge of this kind, it is also very important to clearly imagine the likely consequences. Only an expert can choose the necessary medicine, taking into account the psychophysiological features of the animal.
  2. Violence. It happens not only physical, but also psychological. A cat that catches and climbs towards you, does not control itself at the time of estrus. She is not able to correct her behavior even with the help of your blow or screams at her. But the psyche you cripple her with such influences can easily, because she feels fine guilt at the moment when you scold her.

If you are unable to bear feline behavior during estrus and are unable to help her during this difficult time, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​establishing a small predator.

Video: how to calm a cat during a heat with a bandage

The characteristic signs of estrus in the cat indicate that the animal is ready to conceive and bear fertility.

Feline refers to polycyclic animals, this indicates that the period of the cat's readiness for fertilization occurs several times throughout the year. During the first season the female has several sexual cycles. Most often the season of sexual hunting in females begins at the beginning of the year, in January, and ends by the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. In some cases, females are found that are capable of fertilization periodically throughout the calendar year. The only period when estrus in such animals does not occur is the period of feeding kittens with milk. Return to normal behavior occurs, 1 week after weaning kittens from a cat.

The first estrus in the female comes, as in all other mammals, after it reaches sexual maturity and will be ready for reproduction.

Attention!  Usually maturity in females occurs between 7 and 10 months after birth, however, the physiological maturation of the female occurs between 12 and 14 months.

The time of the onset of the first heat, as well as the regularity of the subsequent heat, depends on a large number of factors. During the offensive of sexual hunting affects the breed of the animal. In breeds bred in the East, the period of estrus occurs more often than in cats, bred in other regions.

Factors affecting the first estrus in the female, and signs of the onset of the hunting period

The main factors influencing the onset of the hunting period in females are:

  1. Breed.
  2. Season.
  3. The presence of the male in the immediate vicinity.
  4. Dimensions of the cat.

Most often, the cat hunts three times a year. Duration in different breeds varies by the number of days, most animals last about 2 weeks. Disruption of the schedule and process in females is observed in the case of hormonal imbalance.

The main signs of the first estrus in the female are the following:

  1. Females are excited.
  2. Observed uneasy behavior.
  3. Contact with the cat has an exciting effect on it.

In addition, when determining the first estrus in a cat, special attention should be paid to the following symptoms:

  1. Sex organs before the beginning of the hunting period in the animal increase, and from them appear transparent neobilnye allocation, which the animal can inherit in the room.
  2. The process of urination becomes more frequent than in normal periods of life.
  3. The females become tender, begin to rub everything. Cats can roll around the floor and wriggle their bodies. In some cases, aggressiveness may increase in females.
  4. In rare cases, the females have a violation of appetite, they eat less and less often during this period.
  5. The cat strives to escape from the house, using every opportunity.
  6. The female publishes a plaintive meow and calls the cat.

A cat can arch its back, lie down on the floor, and take the tail to the side.

How is the estrus in cats?

The period of sexual hunting in a cat is divided into 4 stages:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Each of these stages is characterized by the behavior of the cat and the state of its body.

Proestrus is the initial stage of the period of sexual attraction in the female. The duration of this stage can range from 1 to 4 days. This period is characterized by a more or less calm behavior of the pet's home and some increase in affection. Appetite in the animal remains, and in some cases may even increase. Sometimes a cat makes quiet throat sounds. During this period, a gradual increase in the external genitalia is observed, and the formation and secretion of transparent mucus from the genitalia begins. At this stage, the cat does not admit to itself a single cat.

Estrus is the second stage of the period of sexual desire. Duration can vary from 1 to 1.5 weeks. This period is directly the estrus itself. It was during this period that the female becomes affectionate and wriggles, starts to mewl loudly, calling for a cat. If the cat is stroked in the area of ​​the sacrum, then it, caving in, takes the pose characteristic of the mating process. The optimal time for mating is from the 3rd to the 5th day of estrus.

Metastrus is a stage in the estrus season, in which the sex drive of the female decreases. The duration of this stage is from 3 to 12 days. If fertilization is performed at the stage of estrus, then at the metestrosis stage the cat on the cats begins to show aggression. There are cases when the cats develop a false pregnancy. This condition is accompanied by all signs of a true pregnancy, except that such a pregnancy can not result in delivery. Most often, with false pregnancy, all signs disappear, 1.5 months after the cat's estrus is completed. In the case if the fertilization of the female is carried out at the previous stage, after 60-70 days, the cat will give birth.

Anestrus is the 4th stage of estrus. This step comes in the event that the female does not fertilize. During this period, the cat gradually calms down and returns to normal life.

How in the course of estrus to calm the cat?

If there are first signs of estrus in a cat, if you do not plan to get offspring from a cat, you need to take some measures to calm the animal and bring it to a normal state.

In order to reassure the cat during this period, it should pay more attention. To do this, you should take it more in your hands, iron it. This way it is possible to calm the animal and to relieve it of psychological stress.

To reduce the psychological stress of the animal, you should play with it. To play it is better to choose a new toy that may be of interest to the animal. Playing with a new toy, the cat starts jumping and running around the room in which she lives, which will allow her to release a large amount of internal energy.

During this period, the cat should be fed less. Very often, veterinarians recommend not to feed the cat during the day, but give her a small amount of feed for the night. It should be remembered that the water in the water bowl of the animal must be constantly and in the required quantity.

Attention!  When there are signs of the first estrus in the female, she should be isolated for a few days in a separate room, which will reduce her marriage cries.

When isolating a cat into a separate room, one should not forget that water should be abundant in the animal, in addition, a comfortable couch should be organized for the cat.

The use of homeopathy helps some females cope with the changes occurring at this time in their body. Before using these drugs, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian so as not to cause harm to the health of the animal.

How to solve the problem of estrus in a female cat?

As soon as the female cat reaches puberty, the question immediately arises, how to solve this problem. There are several methods for solving this problem.

These methods are as follows:

  1. Carrying out an operation to sterilize the animal. The operation for sterilization of the animal involves the removal of the uterus with the ovaries. As a result of such an operation, the female has no desire at all, and signs of the onset of estrus in the cat are not observed.
  2. Implementation of mating females with males. The purpose of this procedure is to mate the cat with the cat during the period of the onset of estrus. After mating, the cat must be calmed down. However, the owner of the animal should clearly realize that frequent pregnancies and childbirth in the female can provoke the development of serious diseases. In addition, frequent pregnancies lead to physical and emotional exhaustion in the animal.
  3. The use of hormonal drugs at the time of sexual hunting. The use of these drugs can stop the onset of estrus in an animal. Such drugs can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. Use them is allowed 1-2 times a year. As a result of the use of hormonal drugs, there may be disturbances in the functioning of the animal's body. Frequent use of drugs based on hormones can trigger the occurrence of a tumor in the cat of the ovaries and the uterus.
  4. Use of sedative medications. Use during the estrus in a female lung herbal infusions allows you to alleviate the condition of the animal. Such preparations include, for example, Kot-Bayun and Bach's Drops. It should be noted that this method is not always effective.

What if I want to get offspring from a female?

Owners of thoroughbred cats most often contain females in order to obtain offspring both for sale and for their own pleasure. Therefore, they need to know exactly when the time comes for insemination of the female. For this purpose it is necessary to be able to accurately determine the time of the onset of estrus in the female.

For animal breeders who do not have enough experience to determine the signs of estrus in a cat, you can recommend to look at specialized sites devoted to the care of cats photos and video materials demonstrating the behavior of the female during the period of sexual hunting.

Attention!  If you want to get offspring from the female, remember that the optimal timing of insemination is the first and second days after the start of the period of sexual hunting.

Male and female should be treated 2-3 times, the interval between matings should be 12-14 hours. If you comply with all these requirements, then the chance of obtaining offspring increases several times.

Owners of thoroughbred cats should remember that maturity in cats occurs at the age of 4 to 6 months, but an early pregnancy for the animal is undesirable, since the animal in this period has not reached full physiological maturity, and its body is still developing. The full physiological maturity of the female occurs one year after birth.

Signs of estrus in a cat and what should the owner do in this period?  was last modified: September 2nd, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

The cats' estrus is a period of sexual arousal. Like other mammals, such periods occur when they become sexually mature and are ready to multiply.

When cats start oestrus

Usually the period of puberty comes to 7-10 months of life. But the complete physiological formation of the organism for procreation ends at about 12-14 months. It should be noted that the time of the onset of the first heat, as well as its regularity, depend on many factors, including the breed of the cat. For example, in such oriental breeds as Siamese, Persian and Oriental, estrus can be observed much more often than in cats of other breeds (eg, y,).

How long does the estrus last for a cat

So, the first estrus in a cat comes at the age of 7-10 months. One sexual cycle (estrus) approximately lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks.

How often does the estrus in cats

The estrus continues all year round and can be repeated every three weeks until the cat is not or not. Usually domestic cats show sexual activity at any time of the year, but a special increase in sexual desire is noted at the end of winter - mid-spring, approximately from February to March.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

Determining the estrus in cats is quite simple. It is necessary to pay attention to the following features:

  • Sexual organs of the animal increase, there are no bloody discharge, but there are transparent, in principle, uninvolved secretions, which the cat can inherit.
  • The pet is more often licked, and urination can become more frequent than usual.
  • Sometimes there are violations of appetite - the cat is less likely to eat and eat less.
  • Cats become more affectionate, rub against everything that can be - furniture, masters. And also roll on the floor and wriggle. There are, of course, individuals who, on the contrary, become too aggressive during the estrus.
  • The animal tries to escape from the house, using all possible inputs and outputs - windows, doors, etc.
  • The animal publishes plaintive, lingering and sometimes very loud sounds, calling, therefore, cats.
  • Bends his posture, lies down on the floor while actively trampling his hind legs and pulls the tail to the side.

How does the estrus in cats

It is divided into 4 consecutive stages:

Proestrus - this is the first stage of estrus in a cat, which lasts 1-4 days. During this period, the cat is even more or less calm. There may be increased, but not so much expressed affection for the owner. Appetite is preserved, sometimes even higher than usual. A cat can make quiet throat sounds. The sexual organs gradually increase in size, the discharge begins, but in spite of all this the cat will not yet allow any cat to come to her.

Estrus  - the second stage, lasting a week and a half. This is directly the estrus itself, when the cat becomes especially affectionate, squirms, loudly meows, rolls on the floor. If you pet your pet in the field of the sacrum, then she will take a characteristic pose for mating and take the tail away. This is a normal and natural phenomenon inherent in nature. It should be noted that during the estrus period, 3-5 days are considered optimal for the period.

Metastrus  - period of decrease in sexual excitation of the animal. It lasts 3-12 days. If the fertilization has taken place at the previous stage, during the metestrosis the cat will react aggressively to the cats. Sometimes it happens that if there is no fertilization, it is in the third stage in the cats that a false pregnancy develops. False pregnancy, by all indications, resembles the true pregnancy, except that this pregnancy will not end with childbirth. Usually a false pregnancy occurs within a month and a half. If, at the previous stage, fertilization has occurred, then in 60-70 days the cat gives birth to kittens.

Anestrus  - The fourth final stage of estrus, if not fertilization occurs. The cat gradually calms down and returns to the familiar life.

How to calm down

The estrus in cats (estrus)  - a special emotional and physical condition that occurs in cats during sexual hunting.

Symptoms of estrus:

Cats, unlike humans and dogs, do not have bloody discharge, but usually the owners immediately realize that Hour X has come - a sharp change in the behavior of the animal, depending on the temperament of the animal. Even the most unsociable cats usually become affectionate or vice versa, more aggressive, rub against the master's feet or furnishings, loudly purr or yell - the cat's name can roll on the floor. If you stroke a cat on the back of the tail, it crouches on the front paws and arches the back, lifting the pelvis up and pulling the tail aside.

In addition to behavioral changes, loss of appetite, frequent urination, a slight swelling of the genitals, a transparent discharge from the genital organs may occur.

Also, there is an "erased estrus" - estrus, which passes almost asymptomatically. Especially often this happens in weakened, obese patients or cats occupying a low place in the hierarchy.
   Sexual maturation in a cat occurs approximately from 4 to 12 months, pronounced symptoms can be manifested as early as 6-8 months of life. When exactly heat begins, it is difficult to predict - it depends on many different factors (care, feeding, breed, environment, etc. ...)

Sexual activity in cats is seasonal and is associated with the length of daylight hours - in our latitudes the estrous cycle usually starts from February to April and ends in October-November.

The duration of estrus is individual for each animal, but usually it lasts 5-6 days. The periods between the estrus (interestrus) are also strictly individual - one cat can flow 1 time a month, and another 2 times a year, it depends on its health status, breed, the presence of a number of other felines, season, environmental factors, etc. Predagonal predisposition is very important: for example, Maine Coons have an average of 3-4 weeks, while Siamese and Abyssinians, on the contrary, have 3-4 days. With age, the estrus is shorter and passes less regularly, sometimes even without ovulation.

Health problems during estrus.

The fact that your cat has begun estrus, does not mean that it immediately needs to be reduced to a cat! When premature mating very heavy birth and birth of stillborn kittens are very likely. That's why it is usually recommended to wait with the mating up to 1, 5 years, in order to avoid negative consequences (especially if the cat is graceful complexion).

Other important problems are absence of estrus  (anestrus) or vice versa, long prolonged heat(more than 15 days). Sometimes for the lack of heat (more than a year) mistakenly accept "erased heat", which is asymptomatic. In general, cycle disorders are associated with improper care, feeding, or serious hormonal disorders, but there are factors that increase predisposition to anestrus:

Little light - because The estrus in cats is seasonal, the length of daylight provokes the onset of sexual hunting.

This is especially important for domestic cats who live in a city apartment.

Isolation - if a cat has grown up in a house without other felines, she may not want a cat.

   - - a condition characterized by a decreased level of thyroid hormones.

Absence or underdevelopment of the ovaries - if you picked up a cat on the street, it may well be sterilized. With this operation, the uterus and ovaries are removed, respectively, the estrus does not arise.

Prolonged estrus usually occurs in pathologies of the ovaries (usually the cystic process or tumors).

In any case, in case of cycle disorders, the cat needs to be shown to the veterinarian-therapist, to do vaginal-cytological studies, ultrasound or to determine the level of estradiol in the blood!

Problems with behavior. Night screams.

During the estrus in the cat, behavior changes dramatically, and not always like these changes like owners. Of course, who enjoys loud cat screams in the middle of the night? Wild hysterics, aggressive behavior, attempts to escape through the window or the door, to neighbor cats - all this often accompanies the process of estrus.

What NOT to do to the owners:

Punish. The fact is that cat's find each other not only by smell, but by voice, so it's useless to scold a cat and forbid her to scream - nature will still take its own.

Lock. Limit her movement in space, locking the pantomime in the toilet or closet, fraught with the risk of mental disorders. At the same time, it is not worth releasing a cat on the street, it is dangerous to unwanted (for the owner) pregnancy, infectious diseases, getting under the wheels of cars and teeth of dogs and other troubles.

Sharply interrupt estrus with hormonal drugs.

Termination of heat.

The cat's estrus can be interrupted or muffled by taking hormonal medications that act directly on the pituitary gland, but this is dangerous for the animal, because hormonal failures are treated long, hard and have consequences.

Plus reception of hormonal preparations:

The quiet nerves of the owner of the animal - in fact the cat no longer screams at night, does not ride on the floor and does not try to escape into the open window or toss from the balcony to the neighbor's cat. Also, similar tools are sometimes used by breeders to postpone or miss one mating. But we must take into account that these drugs do not stop the cycle, but only postpone it for a while.

Minuses of taking hormonal drugs:

First, such drugs are designed for 1-2 admission per year, rather than for permanent use. Secondly, they are extremely harmful and lead to hormonal failures and, as a result, the development of cancer and various pathologies of the uterus (endometritis, etc.). After a long reception of hormonal drugs, you still have to castrate the cat, but already for medical reasons, and in the elderly, anesthesia is more difficult to bear. This is the insidiousness of hormonal means - negative changes appear not immediately, but in adulthood (usually after 4 years), and sometimes a single dose of the drug is enough to develop pathologies of the reproductive system.


Do you need it, interrupt heat, risking the health of your pet? After all, to interfere with the natural course of things, you need shock doses of hormones that are very harmful to the cat's body, and then you will spend much more nerves, time and money to cure the consequences.

Sterilization - the solution of all problems?

  - ligation of pipes, now almost nowhere is done because of low efficiency.

Castration  cats - cavitary operation, surgical removal of the uterus, and ovaries.

Yes, if you do not plan to give your cat to breeding, castration is the best way out.

Pluses castration:

First, you will forever save your pet from the risk of pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, such as a pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus), cysts, tumors, endometritis, etc.

Like unfulfilled estrus, and frequent childbirth (more often two times in three years) undermine the health of a cat, wearing out its body.

Secondly, castration of cats decides most behavioral problems - aggressiveness, night screaming, saves the host's nerves and relieves the animal from stress. The cat no longer needs to call the cat and prove its place in the hierarchy, it becomes more calm and affectionate, while not losing completely the hunting instinct and playful disposition.

Thirdly, timely castration eliminates an unwanted pregnancy. If a cat has pathologies that interfere with enduring or giving birth to kittens, castration is the only way out. Also, you will not have to think about fitting out the kittens, about the proper care for them.

Fourth, the life expectancy of castrated animals is longer by 1, 5-2 years.

Minus castration:

Because castration is performed under general anesthesia, this is a strong stress for the body. That is why it is important for an adult animal (over 1, 5 years old) to show an anesthesiologist. He must listen to the heart, take a clinical and biochemical blood test, if necessary, send for x-rays or ultrasound, or to a cardiologist on the cardiac echocardiography.


Despite the risk of anesthesia and surgical intervention, castration is definitely better than taking hormonal medications. A timely operation saves the animal from many diseases, and you - from sleepless nights.

To castrate a cat better in 7-8 months, before the first estrus - this reduces the risk of the occurrence of OMF. Do not skimp on the health of your pet, save your nerves and cat's health!

For easier flow of estrus, the cat can be given nonhormonal herbal preparations (for example, "Bio Bayun") or use Feliway pheromone fumigators. But it's best not to torment the animal, but to castrate it in time.

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