What you need to do at elevated temperature. Elevated and high temperature: the reasons for how to knock down what to do.

The increase in body temperature does not happen simply because such a phenomenon is always a protective reaction of the body. However, sometimes the temperature rises to an incredible level, for example, 38-39 degrees, when urgently you need to take effective measures to reduce it and improve your well-being. The first thing that needs to be done is to contact the attending physician, but if this is not possible, you should solve the problem yourself. Next, we will just talk about what to do in case if the temperature rose to 39 degrees with cold.

What if the temperature rises to 39 degrees with a cold?

But to begin with it is necessary to answer a question on why there is a fever for colds. The fact is that a viral infection enters the body. The human immune system begins to react to foreign microorganisms, which contributes to the development of an inflammatory reaction. It should not be feared, on the contrary, your body signals that something is wrong, and it is tiresome to urgently take effective measures.

Each person has his own individual characteristics, so some people have a temperature that rises as fast as possible, others slower. The same can be said about the symptoms - some people experience only a headache, others experience severe dizziness, nausea, chills, convulsions, etc.

When can I bring down the temperature?

Naturally, no one likes to be in that state when his body temperature is raised, because at that time a person experiences general weakness, apathy, drowsiness and other unpleasant symptoms. However, do not hurry, that's what doctors think about this:

  1. Up to 37.5 degrees. With such indicators, the majority of acute viral infections occur, including in children.
  2. Up to 38.5 degrees. These indicators are often observed in people who are only ill with SARS or colds.
  3. Above 39 degrees. Such an indicator can already be considered really dangerous, since it can cause serious complications.

The most important rule - as soon as possible to seek medical help, because any delay can negatively affect your health or the health of people close to you.

Temperature 39 is considered dangerous, so urgent measures must be taken to reduce it

What to do at a high temperature?

You can not safely treat the situation when the indicators above 39 degrees, you need to act, but try to pull yourself together and make any decisions sensibly. Remember that a cold with a temperature of 39 in an adult is treated, and you have time to improve the situation for the better.

  • Paracetamol. A well-known and common antipyretic agent, which includes substances that are useful for a person with cold and viral diseases. In addition, the drug successfully fights against the symptoms of flu and colds, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ibuprofen. The drug is often used in conjunction with Paracetamol, it knocks down the heat, eliminates the symptoms of colds, reduces headaches, and sore throats.
  • Nurofen. The agent is an analog of Ibuprofen, available in the form of tablets, syrup and even gel. It is considered one of the most effective antipyretic drugs for adults and children.
  • Lecadol. The drug helps with infectious inflammatory infections that cause an increase in body temperature. In rare cases, it is taken as a prophylactic, the drug should be used strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Remember that any medications can cause side effects. Read the instructions carefully before using this or any other remedy, in addition, consult a doctor regarding the use of the medication.

Paracetamol - one of the best antipyretic agents

Alternative methods

When the temperature is 39 and above in an adult with a cold, many start to sound an alarm, especially when there is no medication at hand. However, do not despair, because there are some alternative methods that will help to significantly improve the patient's condition:

  • It is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible. Drinks should not be either too hot or too cold. It can be tea with lemon, fruit drinks, ginger tea, herbal decoction, etc.
  • You should try cold compresses. To do this, you need to moisten the handkerchief or paper towel in the water, squeeze it and put a compress on the forehead, neck, underarm area.
  • Wipe the body with a solution of vodka or alcohol. It is necessary to moisten the handkerchief in alcohol, then rub the skin in those places where the vessels are located as close to the surface as possible, for example, whiskey, the area of ​​elbows, armpits.

If the aforementioned methods do not help at all, urgently call for an ambulance service, perhaps it's not just a cold.

What else can you do at high temperature?

With a cold and a temperature of 39 it is important to follow certain additional rules to prevent the patient from deteriorating:

  1. Complete rest. Strictly observe bed rest. Do not forget to change clothes when it becomes wet and soaked afterwards.
  2. Abundant drink. Mineral water, mors, lemon tea - all this should be drunk as much as possible.
  3. Balanced diet. With a cold, it is desirable to give up fatty and heavy food, eat light foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat meat.

For colds and SARS, a copious drink

Remember that with the usual colds the temperature will not stay high for a long time. In any case, you can easily knock it down if necessary. If this causes certain difficulties, contact your doctor immediately, which will help you establish an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of high body temperature. To assess the state of a person with a high temperature, let's find out why the temperature rises too high, for most people it's 38.5 C. It is necessary to understand that the high temperature of an adult is not as dangerous as the temperature of a child. If the temperature is not very high, you can knock it down yourself without endangering life. What is the temperature to knock down an adult? There are many reasons for the temperature increase in an adult.

Causes of fever

Slightly elevated body temperature, which does not decrease in any way, and from time to time jumps - how to treat it? How to treat high fever and whether it should be done at all?

Why can the temperature of the body be different?

We all know that the normal body temperature is 36.6 C. In fact, this indicator varies for the same person in different periods of life. For example, the thermometer gives different figures for a month even with full health. This is typical for girls. Their body temperature usually rises slightly during the period of ovulation and normalizes with the onset of menstruation.

But fluctuations in body temperature can occur within one day. In the morning, immediately after waking, the temperature is minimal, and by the evening it usually rises by 0.5 C. Stress, eating, physical activity, bathing or drinking hot drinks, staying on the beach, too warm clothes, emotional splash and much more can contribute to slightly elevated body temperature. The high temperature of a small child is much more dangerous than the high temperature in adults.

The reason for the high temperature of adults can be a long stay in the open sun in hot weather, as well as a long stay in a hot place.

Each person has a certain temperature, usually normal. If you measure the temperature in the mouth, then in a healthy person it will not be above 37. In an adult, the body temperature can be brought down, taking aspirin or paracetamol every four hours.

Elevated body temperature is the norm?

And there are people for whom the normal temperature of the body is not 36.6, but 37 C or even slightly higher. As a rule, this applies to young men and girls of asthenic type of physique, who, in addition to the elegant body, have an even frail mental organization.

Elevated temperature is not uncommon, especially in children. According to statistics, it is typical for every fourth child between the ages of 10 and 15 years. Usually such children are somewhat closed and slow, apathetic or, on the contrary, anxious and irritable. But in adults this phenomenon is not unique.

However, to blame everything on the features of the body is not worth it. Therefore, if the usual body temperature has always been normal and suddenly sharply increased for a long time and at different times of the day - this is cause for concern.

The increased temperature of the body causes different ...

To the reasons for the increase in body temperature in an adult, the following factors can be attributed.

The cause of increased body temperature may be an inflammatory processor infection. But sometimes the readings of the thermometer remain above the norm after recovery. And the raised body temperature can proceed some months. So often there is a syndrome of post-viral asthenia. Doctors in this case use the term "temperature tail". The slightly elevated body temperature caused by the consequences of the transferred infection is not accompanied by changes in the analyzes and passes by itself.

However, here lies the danger of confusing asthenia with incomplete recovery, when the elevated temperature indicates that the disease, which subsided for a while, began to develop anew. Therefore, just in case, it is better to take a blood test and find out whether the white blood cells are normal. If everything is in order - you can calm down, the temperature will jump-jump and eventually "come to life".

Another common cause of fever  - Stress experienced. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. At the same time, fever is accompanied by symptoms such as poor health, shortness of breath and dizziness.

Well, if in the foreseeable past you did not suffer any stresses, or infectious diseases, and the body temperature is elevated, then it is better to be examined. After all the cause of a prolonged rise in body temperature can be dangerous diseases.

We exclude dangerous diseases as the cause of high temperature

With increased body temperature, the first thing to do is to exclude all suspicions of inflammatory, infectious and other serious diseases (tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis, iron deficiency anemia, chronic infectious or autoimmune diseases). First, you need to consult a therapist who will make an individual survey plan. As a rule, in the presence of an organic cause of fever, there are other characteristic symptoms: pain in different parts of the body, weight loss, lethargy, increased fatigue, sweating. When probing, an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes may be found. Usually the explanation of the causes of elevated temperature begins with a general and biochemical analysis of urine and blood; X-ray of the lungs, ultrasound of internal organs. Then, if necessary, appoint more detailed studies - for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or thyroid hormones. In the presence of pain of unclear origin and especially with a sharp decrease in body weight, oncologist's consultation is necessary.

The cause of elevated temperature - a metabolic disorder

If the survey showed that there are no organic causes for increased body temperature, it's too early to relax, as there is still cause for concern.

Where does the elevated temperature come from, even if there are no organic causes? It does not appear at all because the body accumulates too much heat, but because it does not give it to the environment. The violation of the thermoregulatory system at the physical level can be explained by the spasm of the surface vessels located in the skin of the upper and lower extremities. Also, in the body of people with high body temperature, failures in the endocrine system can occur (causes can be violations of the adrenal cortex and metabolism).

Doctors consider such a condition as a manifestation of the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia and even gave him the name - thermoneurosis. And although this is not a pure disease, because there are no organic changes in this case, but still not the norm. After prolonged high temperature - stress for the body. Therefore, this condition must be treated. Neurologists at elevated temperature in such cases recommend massage and acupuncture (to normalize the tone of peripheral vessels), psychotherapy.

Hothouse conditions do not help, but rather interfere with getting rid of thermoneurosis. Therefore, those who suffer from this violation, it is better to stop taking care of yourself, and begin to temper and strengthen the body. People with problematic thermoregulation need: the correct regime of the day; regular meals with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits; reception of vitamins; sufficient stay in the fresh air, physical education and tempering.

The cause of the increased temperature is an error in its measurement!

The thermometer, placed under the arm, can give not quite correct information - because of the abundance of sweat glands in. This area is likely to be inaccurate. If you are used to measuring the temperature in your mouth (where it is half a degree higher than under the arm), then you know that the figures will go off scale if you have eaten an hour before, drank a hot drink or smoked. The temperature in the rectum is an average of 1 C higher than in the armpit, but remember that the thermometer can "make a mistake" if you take measurements after taking a bath or exercising. Temperature measurement in the ear canal is considered today the most reliable. But for this, you need a special thermometer and exact observance of all the rules of procedure.

ARI, ARVI, influenza and other colds are familiar to everyone. As a child, we get sick more often, but in adulthood, a sharp deterioration in health is always out of season.

Moreover, if you have a cold and a temperature of 39, or even higher, there is no time for jokes - we must urgently take measures and treat the raging infection. Here is a short list of symptoms common to almost all types of upper respiratory tract infections:

  • malaise, lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, inability to concentrate, headache with colds with fever ;
  • increased or vice versa, low body temperature for colds;
  • runny nose, cough, sore throat, mucus secretion - a product of the vital activity of viruses or pathogens.

Colds with a temperature of 38 degrees - a phenomenon not only unpleasant, but also insidious. Some people prefer to carry the disease on their feet, than do great harm to their weakened body. Treatment of a cold with a temperature of 38 is preferably carried out under the supervision of a family doctor. But not everyone has such an opportunity.

Antipyretics do not accelerate the process of recovery in any way, but, on the contrary, slow it down. If you try to treat a cold with folk remedies, and the temperature does not go down for more than three days, then treatment is ineffective and alternative measures must be taken. Temperature 38 for a cold do everyday things like it allows, but in fact, this state is very deceptive. At any moment, deterioration may occur.

By type of pathogens, all colds are divided into viral (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus and others) and bacterial, which is incomparably greater.

There are several things that you need to know about the fundamental differences between these types of ARI:

  • Most often, the disease caused by the virus begins with a sharp temperature jump. The first 3-4 days the temperature keeps at a level of 39-40 degrees, then falls off.
  • Bacterial cold with a temperature of 38.5 in an adult can last 2-3 weeks, whereas a viral disease with proper treatment takes 9-12 days.
  • The virus poisons the entire body of the carrier, which is why a person with a human influenza can be very hard. Bacterial infection can develop slowly at a subfebrile temperature of 37-38 degrees.
  • Antibiotics for a viral cold should not be drunk, they can cause irreparable harm to the body and cause complications.

Can the temperature of 39 with a cold be dangerous to our health?
   In the event that she holds on too long, yes.

If you have caught a cold with a temperature of 39, making mustard poultices and drinking tea with honey is not enough for a quick recovery. To knock down the temperature with aspirin does not exactly follow, because it is a protective reaction of the organism to the causative agent of the disease. In this emergency mode, our body is much more effective in combating the invader, so do not break the natural course of the process. Full rest, abundant drink for the withdrawal of toxins, antiviral agents - the right selected medications will help you get back on your feet.

Prevention of colds

We will not describe to you all the variety of symptomatic and antiviral drugs that awaits you on the shelves of any pharmacy. Let's talk more about the measures that are most often recommended to take in order not to get sick.

So, the most popular and known methods of cold prevention are:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • hardening;
  • reception of immunomodulators;
  • inoculations.

Let's make some notes about each method. Even if you quit smoking and drink alcohol, you will often be in the fresh air, start eating properly and do not forget about moderate and regular exercise, this does not guarantee absolute protection against colds. However, this will make your body stronger.

Hardening really works for you only if it's regular. Otherwise, there will be no persistent effect.

Immunity of an adult healthy person quite often reacts to various infections by fever. In general, this is a normal phenomenon - the infection got into the body, and he turned on the protective function, coping with it. Increasing the temperature to a certain level is even useful.


In what cases does the temperature increase in an adult? It is usually believed that in the presence of a bacterial or viral infection. However, the list of reasons does not end there. The source of the increase may be trauma, chronic diseases, allergic reactions, bleeding, heart attacks and so on. That is, such a reaction as elevated temperature, is not always immune response only to bacteria or viruses. This is a general defense, a signal that something is threatening the normal functioning of the body.

The common opinion of medical workers is that it is not worth to reduce heat to 38.5. This is the optimum temperature for the death of certain types of bacteria and viruses. So an alarming symptom can be considered when the thermometer does not fall below 39 degrees.


What causes can jump up to 39 degrees and higher in an adult:

  1. Overheating in the sun.
  2. Prolonged physical activity.
  3. Stress, nervous shock.
  4. Reaction to any allergen - from insect bite to medicinal substances.
  5. Bacterial or viral infection.
  6. Acute food poisoning caused by various factors - bacteria, toxins.
  7. Endocrine diseases. A temperature of 39 degrees can cause inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland.
  8. Septic wounds, necrosis, purulent processes.
  9. Collagenoses.
  10. In some cases, the temperature from 39 and above, which lasts a long time, indicates the oncological changes in the body.

You can knock down heat from an adult in several ways. They are quite effective and help, but only in cases where the cause is really an infection. If the cause of fever is different - antipyretic agents can only be harmed. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor, calling an ambulance. After all, sometimes even a simple flu can result in serious complications.

How to fight alone

Flu or cold in an adult is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness, lethargy, malaise, drowsiness.
  2. Feverish blush on the cheeks.
  3. An aching in the bones and muscles.
  4. Headache.
  5. Palpitation.
  6. Nasal congestion and nasopharynx, runny nose, cough.
  7. Pershing and sore throat.

If you are sure that you have the flu or cold, you can try to bring down the heat yourself, at home.

Important advice! In an attempt to bring down the temperature, do not use the means that will raise it - hot water for drinking, hot water for steaming legs, inhalation over steam, mustard, vodka or alcohol compresses, alcohol, caffeine, spicy food.

Household auxiliary

First of all, it's good to remember: the heat can be knocked down during the day. If during this time you have not achieved results, the temperature has risen above 39 degrees - call the doctor. Wherein:

  1. Always drink water or tea. Do not drink hot drinks, they can raise the heat a couple of degrees. Drinking should be warm, it will help to prevent dehydration of the body.
  2. You can use a compress on the forehead and on the lower leg. It is made from a towel soaked in diluted vinegar (9% vinegar diluted 1: 1 with water).
  3. Immersion of the legs in a basin with cool water is able to alleviate the condition for a while.
  4. The body can be wiped with a damp sponge or a towel soaked in water or in an acetic solution. Rapid evaporation of moisture from the skin surface will help reduce heat. Some recommend rubbing the skin with alcohol: this method is allowed to use, but the patient can inhale alcoholic vapors.

With fever, these methods greatly alleviate the general condition for a while. If a significant improvement does not occur, you will have to use medicines.

Medicinal products

Medicines are called antipyretic and come in several forms:

  1. Complex powders from influenza and colds. They include paracetamol and vitamin C.
  2. Tablets in the shell or soluble in water.
  3. Syrups.
  4. Suppositories.
  5. Injections.

The most common and effective means are Paracetamol, Naise, Panadol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen. All these drugs are usually easily transferred, but taking any medicine, you need to remember about its effect on the gastric mucosa, especially aspirin.

As a solution for injection use a mixture of suprastin and analgin, taken 1: 1. Or another composition from analgin, papaverine and dimedrol, also in a 1: 1: 1 ratio.

Do not forget about the individual reaction to the active substance of the drug. To one Paracetamol will remarkably reduce the heat, but on someone does not work at all. Look for your remedy for fever.

In addition, the following rule will not be superfluous: if the drug does not improve the condition within the time specified in the instructions, then you need to call a doctor, and do not drink the next pill in the hope that it will cause you heat.

Other types of fever

Perhaps a sharp increase in temperature without symptoms of a cold. In what cases does this happen?

  1. A prolonged temperature of 39, without symptoms of a cold, may be a sign of thyroid disease.
  2. Fever without symptoms can become the first sign of systemic lupus erythematosus.
  3. Rheumatoid joint damage is accompanied by fever and joint pain.
  4. In acute food poisoning, the main symptoms are fever, vomiting, diarrhea, general intoxication and weakness.

In addition to the above diseases, the temperature of 39 and above can also accompany:

  1. Tropical form of malaria.
  2. Infectious diseases (typhoid fever).
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Pneumonia.


What if the adult has a high fever?

When a person falls ill with flu or ARVI, he often has a fever. Everyone has long known that such a phenomenon is the body's way of surviving, so the body reacts to the introduction of viruses and tries to fight them. Nevertheless, each of us, feeling high fever, chills and other "delights" of the disease, is frightened, runs for help to doctors or opens its first-aid kit to collect a handful of antipyretic tablets. And in vain!

High temperature to a certain point in an adult is not at all a dangerous phenomenon. On the contrary, an increase in temperature is evidence of the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, immediately try to "knock down" the temperature is not worth it. But how to determine in which cases patiently wait, and in which - to sound the alarm and help your body. About this talk in more detail.

Very unpleasant thing. Moreover, a person whose temperature reached a mark of 39 degrees, experiences real pain and suffers greatly. It is not necessary to bring down the temperature, but if it has risen above the 38.5 degree mark, then it is already necessary to bring it down - a strong stress on the heart begins.

What to do when an adult has a fever? First of all, you need the right drinking regimen - the patient needs a liquid, as much liquid as possible. He should drink, even through strength, even in small portions, but drink as much water as possible, morses, juices, herbal infusions. After all, when the temperature rises, rapid dehydration takes place, which leads to an even higher temperature rise.

When hot tea with honey and raspberries does not help, and the heat continues to stubbornly stick to the critical mark, it is necessary to apply antipyretic drugs. All known aspirin, paracetamol, on their basis - antigrippin, as well as teraflu, Tamiflu and similar drugs - will have to be accepted.

Many people at high temperatures use various folk methods, such as vodka or vinegar. Someone helps, someone does not help. Typically, the temperature drops by 1/10 degrees. After a while, she can rise again.

Some daredevils use the extreme method - they get into the icy water and stand so exactly for 1 minute, then rub dry and reddish their feet, put on warm woolen socks and go to bed. The temperature declines rapidly in response. But this way "works" for those who are not afraid. If there are doubts, it is better not to use them.

I usually start to starve and drink plenty of water when the temperature rises, I do not do anything extra to sweat, if I get really sick I try to lie down, but then, as time allows, it's good when you can snatch a couple of days off from work, it's not always a pity.

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