Suitable for the house and not shedding breeds of dogs, small and large, which of them do not smell.

Often people refuse to start a dog only because the hair of a four-legged friend smells unpleasant and during moult remains on furniture and clothing, creating certain difficulties in cleaning the room. It looks such a wool is not at all aesthetically pleasing, and people, prone to allergies, can cause complications.

Any problem has a solution. If you can not influence the natural process of molting, then you need to consider the possibility of starting a pet, taking into account the information, which breeds of dogs do not shed.

What does molting depend on?

Moulting is the natural process of renewing the coat. It can be of several types:

  1. Seasonal. Occurs in autumn and spring. During the lowering of the air temperature, the fur coat (undercoat) becomes thick and warm to keep the animal warm during the cold season. In the spring, when the air temperature rises, the fur cover becomes easier due to a change in the structure of the wool.
  2. Age. Occurs during the change of puppy coat to the coat of an adult animal.
  3. Biological. When the canine mother stops feeding her babies with milk, she also experiences an intense loss of hair.
  4. Stimulated by: animal disease, medications, unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins. In particular, the lack of vitamins such as B2, B3 can lead to hair loss.

From the same follicle, hair shafts appear, replacing each other after dying off during molting. As a result, the total amount of hair does not change, in spite of molting. But in some breeds the hair lives very long, without changing each other. It is this wool that hasdogs that do not molt.

A great influence on the intensity of molting is also the type of wool. In dogs, it consists of fleece hairs that can be long or short, and an undercoat formed of soft short hairs. It is the undercoat that provides the heat balance of the animal and is replaced during the seasonal molt.

Different types of dogs are dominated by this or that type of hair. For example, the Yorkshire Terrier has no undercoat, and the Mexican bare dog has osteal hair.

Naked Breeds

The so-called bare (bald) dogs - this is the first group that includes breeds of dogs that do not molt. These include:

  • chinese Crested: without wool and feather;
  • peruvian bald: small - up to 8 kg with growth up to 40 cm; average - up to 12 kg with growth up to 50 cm large - up to 23 kg with growth up to 60 cm;
  • mexican naked, or ksolotitskintli: without wool and with a wool cover;
  • american naked terrier.

The history of the appearance of naked dogs is covered with a halo of mystery. Comparing legends and myths about dogs without wool, we can conclude that the ancestors of bald dogs existed in countries with a hot tropical climate on all continents, excluding Australia. Until now, it has not been established reliably, whether the dogs moved from continent to continent during migration, whether they simply contained related signs, or were formed as a result of similar mutations.

The constant influence of hot climate led to hair loss (in some species they are retained only on the fingers, tail tip or head in the form of separate bristles), uniform distribution of sweat glands throughout the body of the animal.

The bare body, on which the coat is partially or completely absent, gives the appearance originality and charm and is the answer to the question,

An important bonus for apartment maintenance is the small size and absence of troubles associated with moulting: you do not need to cut, comb, collect wool, scattered around the apartment.

However, care for this category of dogs has some features:

  • weekly bathing;
  • careful skin treatment;
  • application of sunscreens to prevent burns during summer walks;
  • use of clothing in winter when going out.

A house lover should be put in a warm lounger, otherwise he will constantly strive to jump into a warm master's bed.

Chinese Crested - a typical representative of bare dogs

Since ancient times, the breed has symbolized the financial well-being, status and honorable place of the owner in society. Houses of nobles and palaces most often became the place of the maintenance of these benevolent energetic babies.

Chinese Crested - this dogs that do not shed.Wherein psychological picture  Khokhlatki, compiled from the owners of this amazing breed, is very attractive:

  • activity and mobility;
  • complete absence of aggression and anger;
  • inexhaustible curiosity;
  • cheerful and cheerful disposition;
  • devotion to family members;
  • sociability;
  • benevolence towards other animals;
  • fearlessness;
  • high intelligence;
  • easy learner and artistry.

Rough handling of criminals can not stand, with frequent quarrels and scandals in the family suffer.

The graceful Chinese crested can be with a wool or completely naked. In the second case, the wool forms only a pappus on the head, partially covers the tail and the lower part of the legs. The skin is smooth, soft and warm. With proper care, the smell is completely absent.

Downy variety has a long hair, flowing soft veil. Wool is required to be combed or cut once a month, so that no collars develop, since the dog is not prone to molting.

The Chinese crib, like a real aristocrat, loves cosmetic procedures, strives to be at the center of everyone's admiration, adores dressing. Stylish outfits give it an additional look, and innate flirtatiousness creates a special charm.

It is believed that the Chinese crested "bald" protect luck and happiness in the house, become guardian angels of family members.

Breeds with long hair

FROM apaches that do not molt  and do not emit an unpleasant smell of the dog, are represented by the following breeds of the longhaired species:

  • thorshire Terrier;
  • irish soft-coated wheaten terrier;
  • bichon-frize;
  • maltese.

Due to the fact that the long coat of these dogs does not fall out during the seasonal moult, but continues to grow, special care is needed for it. Systematic combing will not only prevent the formation of coils, but also turn the pet into a thick cloud of long silky wool. Such dogs invariably evoke delight among those around them, and in the apartment they do not create problems due to falling hair.

Irish soft-coated wheaten terrier - non-slip dog with long hair

A friendly intellectual, obedient pet friend, loyal friend, a dog with excellent health - this is the general characteristic of this variety of Irish terrier.

His coat invariably evokes delight among those around him.Colors of ripe wheat, soft to the touch, it falls a thick silky wave. However, seasonal molting in the soft-toothed terrier is almost not expressed due to the lack of undercoat. itdogs that do not molt: зthe cold and summer heat does not affect the length and structure of the coat.

By the age of two, the wheaten terrier has its final golden look. Puppies are often gray or red, their hair is straight. Only in the process of growing, there is a special waviness of the single-layered wool cover, which has the same length on all parts of the body, covering the dog with a solid gold cascade from head to foot.

Combing after bathing prevents the appearance of coils, gives the dog a special charm.

Breeds with short hair and short undercoat or without it

they also join the group of owners of short wool, consisting of rigid coarse hair. Undercoat is very short or completely absent. As a result, the woolly dogs practically do not leave hair on the sofa, clothes and carpets and do not smell.


  • the Brussels griffin;
  • west Highland white terrier ;
  • fox terrier, coarse;
  • scotch terrier;
  • core-terrier;
  • erdelterrier;
  • staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  • mittelschnauzer;
  • risen schnauzer.

Due to the fact that undercoat is not subject to seasonal cleaning, wool must be plucked (trimmed). This procedure allows you to turn the Brussels griffin, terrier or schnauzer into an elegant handsome man. With proper care, thick, smooth and stiff wool protects the dog in all weather conditions. The pet does not get wet under the pouring rain, dries quickly, is not overcooled in winter and does not overheat in the heat.

Coated Brussels Griffin

Answering the question,, you can not fail to pay attention to the Brussels griffin. Its wthe hair is hypoallergenic, which makes the friendly guard especially popular with families with children.

Owners of griffins speak about the breed with respect. Character cheerful and devoted, behavior obedient, appearance curious - so you can characterize the Brussels griffin. Strongly developed self-esteem. Training easily suits. With children he gets on well. By his benevolent but sure behavior inspires respect for other animals.

The griffin's wool does not shed, so it needs trimming. A simple haircut will not give the desired effect, as it does not allow you to remove the old thinned hair, which again grow. The coat becomes dull and unsightly. To avoid this, dying hair shafts need to be plucked. This procedure is repeated 2 to 4 times during the year. This creates certain difficulties in the care of the pet, but completely pays for the cleanliness in the apartment and the well-groomed, neat look of a pet.

Poodle: royal, dwarfish, that

This breed stands apart from other groups due to certain features. Poodle has both long hair and undercoat, which in dogs is usually the main source of odor. But about poodles, you can safely say that these are dogs that do not shed and do not smell.

Poodle wool has a special composition, things related to it, has a curative effect on the joints, look elegant and festive.

The breed is unique in that moulting in a poodle happens only once in a lifetime, when at the age of 8 months puppy wool gradually changes into an adult. Subsequently, dying hair does not fall out, but is retained in dense curls of wool, gradually creating a felt cover. To prevent this from happening, the poodle must be combed at least 2 times a week. The procedure is performed with a comb with sparse large teeth, and then continues with a massage brush.

The sebaceous glands on the skin of the poodle almost do not work, so the wool is protected from fat and does not smell.

Basenji: cleanliness, neatness, lack of smell

In a special group can be taken and a breed such as Basenji. It can not be fully argued that this is dogs that do not molt. Their hypoallergenic hair is prone to seasonal molting, but to a small extent. Care for the dog is facilitated by the fact that the Basenji lick their wool, like cats.

They also have one more unique feature - the inability to bark. Instead of the usual barking, only a low howl is combined with a snort.

Prompt and active Basenji are natives of Central Africa. They have a cat's grace, an independent and wayward nature. Like long walks and outdoor games. Capable of developing incredible speed, carried away by the pursuit of any smell. This is not surprising, since the main purpose of the breed is to help the hunter.

Nyam-nyam-terrier, African non-moving dog,  a forest dog from the Congo, a creature from the thickets and a dog zande - this is the name of the elegant and unusually mobile Basenji, who knows how to climb trees and wash his paw like a cat.

For all its activity and mobility, the basenji are surprisingly clean, tidy, almost do not smell. Smooth wool needs only periodic brushing with a special brush.

Today, there are dogs in almost every family. A huge variety of breeds allows you to choose a pet of any kind and character. However, what if some member of the family suffers from an allergy, but dreams of a four-footed friend? Do not be in a hurry to give up your desires. Hypoallergenic breeds of dogs will help resolve conflicts of interest.

How to choose a safe dog for allergies

You can find a suitable pet for yourself - even for allergy sufferers there are safe breeds

The first thing to consider - dogs that do not cause allergies, does not yet exist. These are natural, natural reactions that can not be overcome. Hypoallergenic breeds are those kinds of dogs that less often cause the immune reaction of an organism to a particular stimulus. The reason for this is the weak loss of hair. It can also be a less intense production of secretory gland fluids that produce an odor that is dangerous to a person with allergies.

Important! According to medical observations, even hypoallergenic dogs can provoke a negative reaction of a person, since this depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But such cases are extremely rare.

The main factors of choice

When choosing a dog for an allergy sufferer, one must take into account its physiological characteristics - the intensity of molting, salivation, and so on

For those who suffer from allergies, but intend to have a four-legged friend, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  1. The less an animal shakes, the better for a person.  The view that it is more difficult for allergic people to get along with a long-haired dog is mistaken. Value is not the length, but the number of fallen hairs. And since shorthair breeds moult practically all year round, they carry a great danger.
  2. Try to choose a small room dog, since size matters. The principle is based on the same - from medium-sized pets there will be less wool. Look at photos of dogs of different breeds, ask about the size of the breeders.
  3. The number of allergens is affected by dog ​​barking. Scientists have noticed that quiet pets are less likely to cause allergies than violent ones. This is explained by the fact that more lactiferous saliva is released, which is the source of allergens.

List of hypoallergenic rocks for an apartment and a house

The International Kennel Club has identified a list of dog breed names that are most suitable for keeping allergies. The list includes the following types of pets:

  • australian silky terrier;
  • affenpinscher;
  • american naked terrier;
  • bolognese;
  • bishon frize;
  • havana bichon;
  • welsh terrier;
  • dandy-dinmont terrier;
  • yorkshire Terrier;
  • pomeranian Spitz;
  • irish water spaniel;
  • coton de tulear;
  • chinese Crested;
  • core-terrier;
  • lhasa apso;
  • kerry-blue terrier;
  • the papillon;
  • maltese;
  • polish low-lying sheepdog;
  • bullets;
  • the Portuguese waterway;
  • poodle;
  • shih-Tzu.

Description with photo

Chinese Crested - a breed of small dogs that are not prone to molting. However, they need careful care: wool on the tail, paws and head should be combed daily. In addition, these dogs are prone to allergies, so they need to bathe with the use of special products without a smell.

Mobile Chinese Crested

Australian Terrier-Terrier - a small dog, covered with a thin long and straight hair. It will require frequent care, in particular, washing and haircut. However, despite regular contact with the animal's fur, such a breed has practically no negative effect on allergies. This fact can be explained by the silky structure of the cover and the almost complete lack of undercoat, the small villi of which cause allergy.

Aubergine terrier

American naked terrier is an active and strong medium-sized dog. This is an excellent option for people with allergies. The absence of a fur coat, which is the carrier of spores of fungi, dust, pollen of plants, makes the dog completely safe. In addition, following the opinion that the allergen is in the exfoliated cells of the epidermis and various biological fluids of the animal, the American terrier gives a huge advantage. You can regularly wash the skin of the pet and enjoy its society without fear of allergies.

A strong and dynamic American naked terrier

Affenpinscher - an inquisitive pet of small size, which is characterized by a weak intensity of molting. It is easy to clean and safe for allergy sufferers. Becomes an excellent friend to your child.

Cutie affenpinscher

Bichon Frize is a breed of small dogs that are popular because of their funny appearance. They have thick wool, which grows throughout life. It does not completely shed, which is a positive factor for allergy sufferers. However, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to nursing and trimming.

Fuzzy bichon frize

Bolognese is a breed of small dogs, distinguished by good intelligence and calm disposition. As in the previous case, the wool of the lapdog does not fall out, which leads to confusion and, as a result, the owner will need to pay a lot of attention to caring for his pet.

Tireless Bolognese

The Havana Bichon is a breed of small, kind and inquisitive dogs. They also have a long and silky coat that does not fall out. Owners will need to pay daily attention to combing their pet's cover with a special brush.

Playful Havana Bichon

Dandy-dinmont terrier - an unusual breed of dogs on short paws. They are gentle, cheerful and inquisitive pets, whose hair is not prone to loss. It does not need such a careful care, as in previous breeds, but once in 2 months trimming is still necessary.

Yorkshire dandy-dinmont terrier

Yorkshire Terrier - a popular breed of dogs belonging to the category of "toys." Such pets are covered with shiny fine wool, which is similar in structure to human hair. These dogs practically do not shed, but they need constant care, including daily combing, frequent washing using special means, etc.

Full of dignity yorkshire terrier

Irish water spaniel - a very rare breed of dogs in our time. They are large enough, they have thick curly hair that does not shed. In the care of undemanding, since it is not necessary to comb and cut the pet so often - it is enough to carry out these procedures 2-3 times a month.

Curly Irish Water Spaniel

Kern-terrier - a breed of small hunting dogs. They have a rigid wool of sand, wheat, gray, etc. shades, which does not shed. This pet will need to trimming 3-4 times a year, which greatly facilitates the care.

A loyal and brave core-terrier

Kerry-blue terrier - a medium-sized dog, whose body is covered with soft curly hair. They are characterized by a complete lack of undercoat and molting, which minimizes the risk of allergies. An animal needs daily grooming in the form of a comb.

Exquisite Kerry-Blue Terrier

Coton de Tulear is a breed of small dogs that occurs rarely. Their coat has a look that resembles a soft and fluffy cotton wool. Despite this, pets are not prone to molting, which makes them a good choice for allergy sufferers.

Noble Coton de Tulear

Lhasa Apso is a breed of small dogs with a tough, thick, straight hair. They are not susceptible to molting, but they need regular care: the owner needs to clean out and wash his pet every day, less often, to trim.

Attentive and affectionate lhasa Apso

Maltese is a breed of small toy dogs with silky white hair that does not have undercoat. With proper care, these pets almost do not shed.

Playful skromnjazhki maltese

Papillon is a breed of decorative small dogs with characteristic large ears. Such pets have a long, silky and thin coat that is not prone to loss. This factor makes the dog suitable for keeping allergies.

Tireless and sociable papillion

Polish Lowland Sheepdog - a breed of medium-sized pets. Such dogs are distinguished by fluffy, stiff and thick wool. Despite the fact that the animals have a soft undercoat, they are absolutely safe for people with allergies. When planting such a pet, prepare for regular care and frequent walks with the dog.

Calm and patient Polish lowland sheepdog

The Portuguese water dog is a service breed. Such pets are covered with thick, stiff and tightly twisted hair that is not prone to fallout with proper care. In addition to combing, such dogs need physical exertion, in particular, swimming. It is best to keep in the house, not the apartment.

Active Portuguese water

Poodle is a popular breed of dogs covered with curly wool. They have no undercoat, but the susceptibility to molting is moderate. Poodles need frequent care and a haircut. Perfectly suited for keeping in the apartment.

A wise poodle

Bullets - a breed of small shepherd dogs, covered with stiff long hair, twisted into tubules. These bold and active pets are not dangerous for allergy sufferers, and, besides, they are unpretentious in care. Cord hair does not need to be combed. The only thing that is needed is to keep them clean.

A faithful and imperturbable bullet

Shih Tzu - a breed of miniature dogs with a short muzzle. Covered with a shiny double-layered coat. These pets are also suitable for people suffering from allergies, due to the fact that with proper care their hair does not fall out. However, be patient, because shih-tzu need constant care, combing and trimming.

Gorgeous Shih Tzu

Dwarf Pomeranian Pomeranian is a breed of miniature dogs, also belonging to the category of "toys". Their body is covered with a long thick wool. There is also a soft undercoat. But the absence of molting saves allergies and does not cause any special problems if you do trimming on time. Currently, many breeders call it one of the most beautiful hypoallergenic breeds.

Affectionate and playful Pomeranian Pomeranian

How to reduce the risk of allergy

Observance of simple rules of care of a dog will allow to minimize risk of occurrence of an allergy

Choosing a safe breed of dog - this is just one of the factors to minimize the risk of allergies in humans. In addition to this, you must follow certain rules of living with the pet:

  1. First of all, the dog needs regular care. This is a prerequisite. The amount of dangerous protein in the saliva and on the skin can be significantly reduced if you frequently wash and cut your pet.
  2. Do not neglect combing the wool. This will allow you and the dog to feel comfortable.
  3. Conduct wet cleaning in the home as often as possible. Remove all surfaces, especially the "collectors" of allergens and dust - carpets, drapes, etc.
  4. Isolate your bed from the dog. Communicate with the pet, enjoy the games and caring for it, but do not let it into your bedroom.
  5. To reduce the concentration of irritants in the air will help household cleaners. A regular airing of the room is suitable.

Important! It is advisable that the pet is not looked after by the allergic himself, but by any other member of the family.

Thus, to start a four-legged friend can each of us, even those who are allergic. There are a variety of dog breeds that practically do not cause a negative reaction of the body. All of them differ in appearance, nature and way of leaving, but choosing a pet is not so difficult. Good luck to you!

It often happens that a person who dreams of a dog all his life can not get it for one simple reason - the animal causes such bouts of allergy that it is impossible to communicate with a four-legged friend. Of course, the allergy to dogs is of varying degrees. And in the case of a serious illness, experiments with one's own health can end badly. However, in most cases, you can reduce the risk of allergy or even completely avoid this danger by simply selecting the right breed.

In fact, of course, there are no ideal and absolutely hypoallergenic rocks. It's about the fact that some breeds are more suitable for people suffering from allergies due to their peculiarities. In this case we are talking about healthy animals. If the animal has a cutaneous or other disease, it may well cause an allergy, even if it refers to a "hypoallergenic" breed. The main sources of allergy are proteins that are found in saliva and skin secretions of animal dander (dandruff, peeling). Therefore, the allergic reaction of people can be different for different breeds of dogs.

Also, dogs that do not shed or moult are more preferable for allergic people, no particles of saliva, no dandruff, do not enter the environment, but settle on the animal's fur. The lack of hair in the animal (as, for example, in Chinese crested) is not a guarantee of complete hypoallergenicity, because the allergy basically arises, as we have already understood, on proteins. "Even if you get a bald dog, it will still produce allergens," says Dr. Vanda Fipatanakul, a member of the Allergy Committee of the American Academy of Allergy, asthma and Immunology.

Misconception about allergies to dogs

In the people there is an opinion that the allergy arises on the coat of dogs, and, therefore, than the dog "hairy", the more it is allergic. As a rule, people with such persuasion try to choose smooth-haired / short-haired breeds of dogs (dachshunds, dobermans, pinschers, amstaffs, etc.), believing that once the wool is small, then this dog is not enough and it is not allergic to it exactly . And with horror they find out after a while that their house is full of "fine needles" of wool, which are showered off the dog. Indeed, short-haired breeds rotate year-round and daily. Every day from them the dead hair is showered, that, you see, not the best variant for allergik. In order to avoid this daily molt, the dog must be combed daily with a special brush.

While some very longhaired breeds (Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Komondors) do not shed at all. Wool from dogs of these breeds does not crumble, and the dead hair is separated only during combing.

Otherwise, they fall into the coils (or dreadlocks, as in the Komondor). The second best option is the wire-haired breeds (all kinds of schnauzers, coarse-wool terriers), because their dead hair is separated during trimming (plucking). If the dog is regularly trimmed (at least 4 times a year), then there will be no problems with the wool around the house either. And, of course, all kinds of poodles are an excellent example of dogs with wool "without moult".

Only the mouth watering

As we have already understood, the second dangerous allergen is the dog's saliva. Here, it would seem simple. It is enough to exclude from the list of potential pets dogs with flecks and increased salivation. As a rule, these are molosses (Phil, Mastino Napolitano, Bordeaux danes, etc.). But the saliva enters the environment not only by draining from the dog's fleas, but also during barking. Therefore, the silent English bulldog can be less allergenic than the rampant German shepherd dog.

Excessive "loquacity"

Excessive "talking" a pet raises the level of allergens, tk. saliva and dandruff, and strive to scatter in all directions with uncontrolled barking. Therefore, some breeds, especially small ones, can not be recommended for people suffering from allergies, precisely because of the constant wailing. Preferably a small dog with a balanced temperament. When choosing a breed, take a walk to the nearest dog show and observe which rings stand deadly silence, and where you have to literally plug your ears with your hands.

Size matters

Size - another important factor in choosing a dog for an allergy sufferer. It is logical that the smaller the surface of the dog's body, the fewer allergens it produces. In addition, a small dog is easier to wash, incl. after a walk, after talking with relatives, a pet can bring to the house their "allergens" on their wool. In addition, it matters and the size of your housing. If you live in a small apartment, the allergens will accumulate more concentrated, therefore, it is worth choosing a miniature dog. If you live in a large house with a plot, you can turn your gaze to the larger rocks.

Cleanliness is the guarantee of health

The researchers found that dogs that are often washed, cause less allergies than dogs that do not wash or wash occasionally. Bathing a dog once or twice a week minimizes or even excludes an allergic reaction to the animal. Also reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions frequent cleaning the house, because allergens released - saliva, urine and dandruff (peeling) from the skin settle on objects and on the floor. Of course, in the case of an allergy, you should not allow a pet to sleep in your bed or even go into your bedroom. As special precautions it is possible to forbid a dog to climb onto sofas and armchairs and lie on carpets or carpets, if they are in the house. It is not superfluous to put in the house an air cleaner with HEPA filters, which catch the smallest particles.

List of breeds of dogs most suitable for allergy sufferers
Affenpinscher Does not molt
Bedlington Terrier Does not molt
Bichon Frize Recommended by American Kennel Club (AKC) for allergy sufferers. Does not shed. Wool falls off only during combing.
Bolognese Does not molt
Flanders Bouvier Recommended by the UK Kennel Club as a breed that does not shed.
Chinese Crested Very little hair on the body, practically does not shed. However, it is prone to dandruff and may be allergic to saliva.
Coton de Tulear Does not molt
Dandy Dinmont Terrier Does not molt
Irish Water Spaniel Does not molt
Kerry Blue Terrier Practically does not shed
Lhasa Apso Does not molt
Maltese Does not molt
Peruvian Inca Orchid Lack of wool
Pomeranian Spitz   Minimal dandruff and small size
Poodles of all sizes Recommended by AKC for allergy sufferers. Does not shed. Minimal chance of dandruff
Portuguese Water Dog Does not molt
Bullets Does not molt
Samoyed Absence of dandruff
Schnauzers of all sizes Short hair, minimal hair loss. However, schnauzers are known as lovers of binging, while they can produce saliva emissions into the environment
Shih Tzu Shih Tzu practically does not shed. The dead hair is removed by combing and everything remains on the comb. Shih Tzu - one of the rocks that is most suitable for allergic people
Soft Coat Wheaten Terrier Does not molt
Tibetan Terrier A breed that is not prone to dandruff and with hair that does not shed with regular combing
Welsh terrier Does not molt
Xoloitzuintly There is no hair. However, allergies to dandruff and saliva may occur
Yorkshire Terrier Recommended by AKC, as a breed for allergy sufferers. Do not molt.Prakticheski not prone to the formation of dandruff

And so it happened - a puppy appeared in the family. He is able to give a whole world of emotions and happy discoveries to his master.

This is how we imagine life with a dog and we are disappointed at the sight of wool on the floor, beds, clothes - wherever you can imagine.

And there comes a moment of truth: to part forever with a dream or ... How to avoid such a situation? Which dogs do not shed and do not smell? We will discuss this in detail later.

Which dogs do not shed? First we will understand, what kind of woolen cover for this should be.  Specialists distinguish among the main types of wool 6 most significantly differ in structure, structure and length:

  • conventional;
  • long-haired;
  • smooth-haired;
  • wire-haired;
  • curly;
  • "Exotic".

The usual, most common type:  length and density of medium, it is necessary to constantly clean and comb the animal, especially carefully - during the moult. Designed for keeping on the street, in an apartment these dogs become a constant source of problems, which, however, does not prevent lovers from repeatedly and repeatedly choosing sheep-dogs or laikas as pets.

Long-haired dogs  have a very long coarse hair and a soft thick undercoat. These dogs need thorough daily care with washing with special shampoos and combing.

Beauty - Greyhound or Pekingese should not be started by people with a pronounced allergy to protein, since it is almost impossible to completely remove particles of dead skin, food with a long beautiful coat.

Smooth-haired dogs  do not differ rich underfur, hard hair is hard, length up to 1.5 - 2 cm. These dogs are often cleaned than washed to rid of dead hairs, particles of dirt and dust, dandruff.

Important!  Subcutaneous fat, which protects these dogs from cold, differs by a sharp smell, and when molting there are small and very tough "needles" everywhere, which are difficult to get rid of.

Rough-skinned individuals  easily recognizable: the soft undercoat is covered with very hard hair.

Moulting does not cause any particular trouble because of the properties of the fleece hair do not fall out.

These dogs are not combed out, and with special movements (tweezers) they remove the maximum overgrown hair during the moult.

Those who are annoyed by permanent hairs on the floor, these dogs fit wonderfully.

Curled Wool  Some breeds make dogs not only exceptionally attractive, but also suitable for many families. Their hair also does not shower the entire floor during molting, there is no smell of dog.

Unfortunately, care for these creations requires thorough, with washing, combing and haircuts from professionals. These dogs do not have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which produces an unpleasant odor, they are good companions for the elderly and allergic people.

«Exotics»  - a dog with a very unusual coat, which can be a minimum or not at all. It is believed that these dogs are suitable even for allergy sufferers. However, given the fact that seizures cause not only hair, but also skin particles, saliva of dogs, it is worth remembering the careful care of the pet.

People who suffer from allergies or who do not tolerate the acute odor of the dog, the type of wool on the floor, will come from breeds of dogs that do not shed and do not smell. Choose among the hard-haired, curly or exotic breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier

Do not shed dogs

When choosing a pet, one should seriously consider studying a possible breed of a puppy, because there are a lot of them. Among them you can find cute creatures that do not exude the sharp smell of the dog, do not shower the whole house with tufts of wool during moulting, rather harmless for allergy sufferers.


Without the process of replacing wool, almost no one breeds, but you can pick up tiny pets, the molting process is almost invisible.

Here the most suitable "seven" candidates, not shedding breeds of dogs:

  1. West Highland White Terrier.
  2. The Italian Greyhound.
  3. Yorkshire Terrier.
  4. Chinese Crested.
  5. Scotch terrier.
  6. Maltese.
  7. Bichon Frize.

West Highland White Terrier  - charming blondes grow up to 30 cm at the withers, muscular, playful. , but they are increasingly purchased as decorative pets. It has a dense short undercoat and hard hairs of white color.

Attention! The angel lying on the couch is able to become a clot of energy during the game or even a little imp, if he suddenly becomes dishonest, because the terrier remains a terrier even with such a charming appearance.

The Italian Laurette  - an elegant and delicate creature that grows at the withers up to 38 cm. The levretoks have very short and thin wool almost without undercoat, and the mind, the ability to adjust to the temperament of the owner, a strong attachment to family members makes this pet dog in the miniature a common favorite. But the levreets were not in vain favorites of aristocrats, they demand maximum attention and care.

Yorkshire Terrier  - one of the most popular breeds of indoor dogs today. Despite the tiny sizes (maximum at the withers - 23 cm), this dog, for the latter is able to protect the owner, is extremely devoted, affectionate, playful, energetic. One of the main external advantages - a long coat without undercoat.  The dog almost does not shed, but

Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested  Is a very popular, non-molting breed of dog. Crumbs with an elegant body that has a scalp only on the head, paws and tail almost do not bring allergy sufferers with proper care of troubles. They are betrayed, cheerful, very active, but they can be nervous and behave aggressively with strangers. They require very careful care.

Scottish Scotch Terrier  - a bright representative of the terriers, is distinguished by courage, intelligence, cheerfulness and elegance with small sizes. Rigid hair and dense undercoat require trimming twice a year, combing out. And since a dog with a character and a bright personality, it is necessary to accustom her to "beauty procedures" from childhood.

Maltese  Are charming little dogs that do not shed. Long silky white wool almost without undercoat requires careful care, but it does not crumble on the floor and upholstered furniture.

Bichon Frize

Bichon Frize  - the name of the breed speaks for itself - curly hair does not bring cares with care, small size, wonderful disposition and intelligence, the ability to quickly socialize make the dogs of this breed the favorites of children and adults.

Medium and large

But not only decorative dogs have unique properties not to provoke attacks and not to leave shreds of wool throughout the apartment. Lovers of dogs of impressive size can choose a puppy from breeds with hard or curly hair from the following "troika":

  1. Fox Terrier is a hairless.
  2. Airedale.

Basenji  - medium-sized dog with a very fine coat almost does not shed, is so clean that it is compared to a cat, is affectionate and active.

Attention!  One of the virtues of this breed is considered "taciturn" - the basenji do not bark, they can grumble, howl, snort and growl.

Fox Terrier Rough  - and the guard. In spite of his good looks, he is capable of aggression, he demands a serious approach to upbringing. Rigid hair requires trimming.

Airedale  - one of the most serious breeds, perfectly suited for living in an apartment. Trimming for stiff curly wool, upbringing, attention - everything that this dog needs. Erdeli - dogs, accustomed to discipline, they are easy to train, the breed belongs to the service for good reason -.

Important!  An excellent nervous system, fearlessness and devotion to dogs of this breed are well known for several centuries.

Aversion to the smell of the dog, scattered clumps of wool and even an allergy will not become a serious obstacle for the family, who seriously decided to start a dog. Exist a lot of popular and not very hard breeds, not burdensome in content.  But to have next to a toy or a true friend - it's up to you.

Additionally, read the video about what breeds of dogs do not shed:

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