Pregnancy test in dogs - what is it? Pregnancy in dogs. What you need to know.

Let's talk about an important and very topical issue.

After mating, which usually takes place on the 9-11th day (on average), the dog bred its offspring for 58-63 days. Yes, yes only two months and it is completely independent of the number of puppies.

For the owner of a bitch this is a very exciting time. How do you want to know if everything went well and whether the puppies will be, or if the mating was empty and all the efforts are in vain. And sometimes it happens. It is especially insulting when big money is spent on knitting (for example, an outward wedding, traveling abroad, to a very valuable dog.)

Therefore, the question how to determine a pregnancy in a dog, not at all idle curiosity.

1. Changes in character of the dog.

If the dogs become tenderer to the host 20-25 days after mating, calmer in their habits, but there is an aggression towards other dogs, this indicates that changes occur in the dog's body that may indicate pregnancy. A dog may have toxicosis, nausea, morning vomiting or refusal of food. Caprice in the choice of food, too, has a place to be.

2.   Allocations in the dog.

Despite the widespread belief that after mating allocation immediately stop - it's not so. And in the case of successful mating and in case of empty-skinned, bloody, and then transparent discharge continues until the very end of the estrus. On the twentieth-twenty-third day there may appear minor bloody discharge, and a little later transparent, viscous, after each urination. This is a fairly reliable confirmation of pregnancy in dogs.

3. External changes.

Approximately starting from the fifth week from the fertilization of the bitch begins to round the tummy. Pinkish nipples are made, mammary glands slightly increase.

But all external manifestations of pregnancy are only a snag, that is, a dog develops a false pregnancy. The belly also increases, the character changes, the milk appears and the dog after a few weeks as if virtually giving birth, after which the stomach falls off. This is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in obese dogs.

Therefore, the most accurate methods of pregnancy detection are methods of palpation, ultrasound, x-ray or strip test.

1. Method of palpation.

An experienced veterinarian or a breeder can, by 4-5 weeks of gestation, by palpation, identify dense, rounded formations in the horn of the uterus. These are the future puppies. The method of palpation is accurate by 85-90%.

In the last 14 days before the birth, the wiggling of the fruit is perfectly palpable and there are practically no misfires.

2. Test for relaxation

How to determine a pregnancy in a dog   with a test? One of the reliable methods for determining pregnancy is the relaxation test. Relaxin -    this is a special hormone that produces the placenta of the fetus. Determine in the blood of the dog this hormone is possible for 20-40 days. The analysis can be passed in. You can determine the pregnancy of your pet and yourself, if you buy Test-stripes   . (I want to note that the test strips for women are completely inappropriate for dogs). But this method has two significant deficiencies. The test will be determined only by the presence of embryos, regardless of whether they are alive or not: (and, to be honest, the high cost of the test strips themselves.

3. Ultrasound

One of the most accurate methods how to determine pregnancy in dogs. In general, it is considered that it is possible to determine the pregnancy already from the 15th day, but still the optimal term is 25-28 days. Using this method, you can see the embryos, evaluate the activity of the fruit, the size and location of the puppies. The accuracy of this method is 99.3%. Just do not forget, ultrasound is done on an empty stomach and after enema!

5. X-ray

X-ray examination is conducted from the fifth week of pregnancy, when the skeleton is already formed. Very accurate and reliable method.

In conclusion I want to say. Any study, it's stress for the dog. Therefore, if there is no acute need to determine the exact the onset of pregnancy, trust in nature, everything will happen in due time ... But the phone of a good veterinarian still, keep close to yourself

Pregnancy is not a simple and very important period in the life of a dog. And it requires a lot of attention and special care from the owner. Therefore, it is important for everyone who plans to breed to know the features and main stages of pregnancy. This knowledge will help you to safely survive the period of pregnancy and provide the dog with optimal conditions and care.

The duration of pregnancy in dogs can vary greatly and lasts normally from 57 to 70 days from breeding. It is definitely possible to say about the time of onset of labor, only if the time of onset of ovulation has been determined exactly. The duration of pregnancy from ovulation is always 63 days (± 1 day)! A wide spread in the time of pregnancy is associated with prolonged survival of spermatozoa in the genital tract (up to 7 days), while the ovum is capable of fertilization for a maximum of 74 hours. Hence the different terms of bearing.

In the duration of pregnancy there are small deviations, depending on the number of puppies in the uterus and their sex. The gestation period increases when there are few puppies or when only girls are in the litter.

Pregnancy can be divided into 3 stages:


  embryonic period;

  a fetal period.

Implantation period   lasts from 0 to 20 days of pregnancy. During this period, the fertilized egg begins to crumble. The process begins in the fallopian tubes and after 11 days the embryo descends into the uterus. Until the 15th day, embryos migrate through the uterus (from one horn to another). Before implantation, embryos are fed with so-called royal jelly, which is excreted by the endometrium.

Embryonic period   lasts from the 20th to the 45th day after ovulation. During this period, the main systems and organs are laid and developed. The fetal placenta is already formed, and through it there is an exchange of nutrients from the mother to the fetus, and the products of metabolism are derived. Any external influences on the body of a bitch during this period (for example, drugs, toxins, radiation) are the most dangerous for the further life of puppies and can cause congenital malformations.

Fertile period   - the period from the 45th day until the moment of birth. During this period, the fruits gain the bulk of the weight, the development of organs and systems takes place and the puppies prepare for life outside the uterus.

At the beginning of pregnancy, in the first 5 weeks, babies gain only 30% of the body weight at birth, and the rest weight in the last 3 weeks.

The physiological changes in the dog's body during pregnancy are significant:

  increased metabolism;

  the volume of blood increases by 30-40%;

  decreases hemoglobin (especially by the end of pregnancy) by 25-30%;

  faster breathing and palpitations.

During pregnancy in the body, the yellow body of pregnancy intensively works, producing a hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. The yellow body is a temporary gland of internal secretion, which is formed from the follicle that released the egg. The yellow body is formed every time ovulation occurs.

Progesterone plays a very important role in maintaining pregnancy - it prevents uterine contractions, reduces the immune barrier of endometrium, thereby preventing the expulsion of the fetuses, keeps the cervix closed. If this hormone is not produced (blood level is less than 10 ng / ml), the fruit is aborted.

Diagnosis of pregnancy in a dog

At the beginning of the pregnancy, the owner of the dog can observe the presence of mucous secretions from the vulva, enlargement and puffiness of the nipples (around the third week). At the third week, nausea, vomiting, and a decrease in appetite may also occur. From the 5th week you can already notice the stirring of the fruit, the increase in the abdomen. The set of methods that veterinarians use, of course, is broader. Among them - palpation, a test for the hormone relaxin, radiography, ultrasound.

Palpation (probing) of the uterus in a dog

On the 3-5th week of pregnancy, palpation of the uterus can be felt by small seals of a spherical shape. Optimal to conduct this study on the 28th and 29th days after mating. After this period, the "waist" merges, and it becomes difficult to interpret the result of the study.

The hormone test Relaxin.

Relaxin is a specific hormone produced by the placenta of fruits. Its concentration in the blood of a pregnant dog begins to be determined from the 21st day from fertilization, after the implantation took place. The test is very simple in interpretation when using special sets. Blood, serum or plasma drips into the window of the test kit, and it shows one strip, if the dog is not pregnant, or two - if pregnant. Disadvantages of this method is the inability to determine the vital functions of the fruit. Even after the death or resorption of the fruit, this test can show pregnancy.

Radiography   - is possible starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, when the calcification of the skeleton of the fruit has already begun. Radiography can accurately determine the number and location of the fruit, as well as the correspondence of the size of the pelvis to the size of the fruit.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)   - the most desirable method of diagnosis and control of pregnancy, which allows to determine not only the presence of fruits, but also to assess their condition, the presence of live, dead fruits and the presence of fruits that have undergone resorption. Allows to calculate the number of cardiac fetal heart beats, to assess the development of organs in the fetus at later stages of pregnancy.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to accurately calculate the number of fetuses on ultrasound, since the puppy image may overlap one by one or there is a probability of counting one puppy twice. Using this method, you can determine the size of the fetus, make measurements of the diameter of the head, chest, determine the position of the fetus and calculate its age.

Determination of pregnancy by ultrasound can be started from the 16th day after ovulation, but it is better to do it from the 21st day, when the fetuses are already determined by the heartbeat.

Feeding a dog during pregnancy

Until the 35th day of pregnancy, the dog is fed just as she was fed until knitting. The main increase in the weight of puppies occurs in the last third of pregnancy, and therefore, up to this time, the energy needs of the dog also do not increase. Overfeeding in the early stages of pregnancy is unacceptable, as it can lead to unwanted weight gain, which increases the risk of complications during childbirth.

Starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the feed amount weekly by 15%, so that by the time of delivery the dog ate 60% more than at the time of breeding. You can also transfer the dog to a puppy's feed or use a special feed for pregnant women.

By organizing the feeding of a pregnant dog, it is important to consider two main points: that by the time of delivery it was not overfed and its appetite was preserved.

Problems with appetite can be observed both at the beginning of pregnancy (against a toxicosis), and at the end. In some dogs with multiple pregnancies, such a large belly and reduced activity, that their appetite for the last week or 10 days before childbirth is reduced. In such cases, it is wise to feed the dog several times a day in small portions and use a wet ready-made diet. Wet rations are usually with great pleasure eaten by dogs and help to solve the problem of anorexia. To enhance the smell and taste, wet food can be heated. The combination of dry and wet food in the dog's diet provides a variety of her diets and helps reduce the risk of rejection of feed.

Physical exercise and walking in the dog during pregnancy

Up to the 35th day of pregnancy, a restriction in exercise and walking is not required. In the second half of the pregnancy, the dog itself will begin to take care, move more slowly, so it is advisable to walk away from other dogs and limit moving games (stick, ball, etc.). Last weeks it is advisable not to let the dog off the leash, in order to avoid an unforeseen load or dangerous accidents. In this case, walks should be long (at least 1-2 hours 2-3 times a day), since the ease of the child's birth depends on the good physical shape. Last days it is advisable to take walks near the house so that when suddenly the childbirth begins, you do not get into a difficult situation.

Harbinger of birth in a dog

Change in body temperature. In most dogs, the body temperature drops one day before the onset of labor. In order not to miss it, you need to know the normal average daily temperature fluctuations of your dog's body. To do this, you need to measure the rectal temperature 2-3 times a day from day 55-57 and record the results. When the term of childbirth approaches, the temperature may fall either gradually over several days, or suddenly at the same time. The difference between the norm and the prenatal temperature minimum is 1-1.5 degrees. From this point on, it is necessary to closely monitor the dog, as after the fall of the temperature, labor usually occurs within 12-24 hours. A few hours before delivery, the temperature rises to normal.

Lower abdomen. 3-4 days before the birth the dog's stomach falls (the back looks worse from the top, the upper part of the abdomen is sunken, the lower part is rounded).

Behavior change. 2-3 days before the birth the dog can show concern, dig, "worm nest", often breathe, because of the lowered abdomen, urination becomes more frequent. Closer precursors of childbirth (about a day) is a refusal to eat (not typical for all dogs), possibly vomiting, diarrhea.

A competent approach to care and maintenance, understanding the needs of a pregnant dog and sincere care for it - that's the key to the birth of healthy, strong puppies and the rapid recovery of the dog after childbirth.

How do I know if the dog is pregnant after the mating? Obvious signs of successful mating come in the bitch only from the second half of the period of bearing of the offspring.

However, experienced dog breeders can determine the pregnancy of their home pet even before it starts to increase in the volume of the stomach.

The period of gestation of the offspring in dogs varies on average from 61 to 66 days, in rare cases it can last up to 72 days. Are there ways to accurately determine the occurrence of pregnancy in the bitch in the first weeks after the mating? Veterinarians often have to hear this question from dog owners.

Specialists are compelled to upset dog breeders: obvious symptoms that indicate the pregnancy of the animal appear about a month after mating. However, there are indirect signs, thanks to which you can find out about how successful the mating of the domestic favorite with the dog turned out to be.

Do not expect that in the early stages of pregnancy the dog will begin toxicosis. Deterioration of health, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting for animals during gestation are not characteristic. It is possible to understand whether a bitch is pregnant by careful observation of it.

If the pairing was successful, in the first weeks after it, the hormonal changes that affect its behavior begin to occur in the dog's body.

The future mother becomes more affectionate and complaisant, starts to quietly lead herself. Many dogs in this period prefer to retire. But a change in the manner of behavior is not characteristic of all bitches.

Some of them continue to behave as usual, so the absence of any changes in their actions and moods does not yet indicate an unsuccessful pairing.

Changes in behavior shortly after mating may indicate not only the pregnancy of a dog, but also the development of a disease. If, on the background of changes in the mood of the pet, the appetite disappears, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, vomiting, runny nose or coughing occur, then she hardly expects puppies. Such symptoms indicate that the animal is ill and needs an urgent examination by a veterinarian.

At home, it is possible to determine the pregnancy in a dog within 2-3 weeks after mating. The most obvious sign in this period is the change in the color and appearance of the bitch's nipples. They become bright pink and begin to gradually increase in size. A month after fertilization, the mammary glands in the dog stand out prominently on the abdomen and leave no doubt that she is pregnant.

From the second month of bearing the offspring the bitch begins to gain weight. The sides are rounded, the abdomen noticeably increases. Approximately to the 9th week after fertilization, pups in the mother's womb begin to move and push hard. If a person puts a hand to the dog's stomach, he can feel these tremors.

With the approach of childbirth due to the large increase in weight, the bitch becomes difficult to move about, and she prefers to spend most of the time in a reclining position. The mammary glands in her continue to increase and swell. A woman who gave birth earlier may have milk about a week before the birth. But if it is fertilized for the first time, the milk will begin to separate from her nipples after the birth of the puppies.

A few days before the birth, the bitch instinctively begins to look for a safe and warm place in which she has to reproduce the offspring.

Caring about the comfort for newborn puppies, she pulls him towels, rags and blankets.

Determination of pregnancy in a veterinary institution

If the dog breeder is interested in how to determine the pregnancy from his pet, he can be advised to seek help from a veterinary clinic. In the arsenal, specialists have modern techniques that allow diagnosing pregnancy in a bitch after 2-4 weeks after fertilization.

These include:

  • test for blood in the dog relaxin;
  • ultrasonography;
  • palpation.

A test for the presence of the hormone relaxin in the body of the dog is carried out in the laboratory conditions 2-3 weeks after the binding. Do it by examining the blood serum of the animal. Relaxin begins to develop 8 days after fertilization. As the gestation period increases, its blood level increases, which the test safely determines.

Although it can be done as early as day 14, specialists do not advise us to hurry with the test, since at an early stage it can show an erroneous result.

For the analysis to be as reliable as possible, it is recommended to give it to the dog 3-4 weeks after mating.

Ultrasound diagnosis can accurately determine whether the bitch is pregnant or not, after one month after mating. Already at this time, with the help of ultrasound, a specialist is able to examine the amniotic fluid in the dog with embryos.

But the exact number of puppies in the womb and the viability of the puppies can be determined at a later date.

Approximately on the 30th day of pregnancy, an experienced physician can determine the pregnancy of a dog using the method of palpation, that is, by carefully examining her abdomen with her hands. In most cases, the vet manages to grope the enlarged uterus with the progeny inside it.

However, for an accurate diagnosis of pregnancy, the doctor will recommend to the master to additionally make a dog an ultrasound or an analysis for relaxation.

How to determine if your dog is pregnant.

Unfortunately, tests for pregnancy for dogs do not exist. Tests sold in pharmacies are not suitable for dogs. Here the essential difference between the presence of hormones in women and bitches. So do not waste your money. And how to be? - you ask.

We have a month of expectations with you. Only in the period of 30 days can be reliably said whether the bitch is pregnant. I hear the objections of veterinarians. Yes, there are reliable methods of determining the pregnancy of a dog before. If you live in a big city with a well-developed network of veterinary clinics, then, of course, you have the opportunity to diagnose your girl's early pregnancy. And I think so: a week earlier, a week later, what does it change?

So watch carefully your favorite and wait. Most often, if the estrus is not changed, there is no pathology on the part of the genitals, and the binding was normal, then in 80% of cases, the dog becomes pregnant.

In the period of longevity one month you will know for certain that she is pregnant. If the dog is prolific, then the stomach will necessarily increase and there will be an opportunity to probe the enlarged uterus. If the fetus is one, and the dog is large, I recommend doing an ultrasound. In the future, with an increase in the term of puppies, you will see such manifestations of pregnancy of your dog:
   an enlargement, as it were, of an extension of the thorax
   increased abdomen, not to be confused with a thick dog
   the dog becomes calmer and more careful
   mammary glands by the time of birth will increase
   the nipples of hairless skin are formed around the nipples

Pregnancy of a dog - the responsible period, since its first days. During this period, the animal needs special care, since not only the condition of the pet's health but also her offspring depends on the course of pregnancy. But the early stage of pregnancy in dogs, especially in primiparas, is almost not noticeable. Therefore, it is important to understand in time that the dog is pregnant

In dogs, the pregnancy lasts an average of 58-64 days, sometimes prolonging to 68-70 days. The period from the first day of mating is counted. And if this day is unknown, then the term is considered from the beginning of the heat, taking two weeks from it.

External signs

Purity in the early days is difficult to determine. But there are indirect signs that will help the owner to closely observe the behavior and the changing habits of the animal. Here are some signs of pregnancy in a dog at an early age, he can see:

  • Readiness in food (refusal of a favorite forage).
  • Decreased activity, drowsiness.
  • Change of behavior. Sometimes a dog tries to attract the attention of the owner, flattering to him, and sometimes the sociable pupil always becomes indifferent and apathetic.

Knowing the peculiarities of his pet's behavior, the attentive owner will pay attention to the changes that have appeared and after some time will be able to find other signs confirming her interesting situation.

In the second week, the pregnant dog's nipples swell, and the skin around them thickens. These signs can be determined by palpating her abdomen.

To make sure of their owner can conduct a more detailed examination of her in a veterinary clinic.

Why conduct an ultrasound

Some dog owners are of the opinion that ultrasound to pregnant animals is harmful. This opinion is completely unfounded, since ultrasound for the future mother and puppies is completely harmless.

What does ultrasound give?

This research is multi-purpose:

  • Confirms or excludes signs of pregnancy in dogs.
  • Determines the number of developing embryos.
  • Allows you to assess the viability, size and location of the fruit.
  • Determines the existing pathology of pregnancy.

It is recommended to conduct ultrasound examination of the dog at least once during pregnancy. The optimal time for holding is 24-28 days. At a period of 28 days, pregnancy in dogs with ultrasound is diagnosed almost 100%.

If the ultrasound shows any deviations in the animal's state from the norm, then repeated studies are needed to correct and prepare for childbirth.

Other methods of determining pregnancy

Pregnancy in a dog can also be determined by other methods. The veterinarian will recommend the one that is most effective for a particular animal.

Relaxin test

There is a laboratory study of the blood serum of an animal, which is called a relaxin test. This is almost 100% reliable method, which is recommended to be carried out at the gestation period of 2-3 weeks, although a more accurate result is guaranteed when testing for a period of 3-4 weeks.

Relaxin is a specific hormone produced in the dog's body only during pregnancy. It is produced by the placenta of developing embryo puppies.

The test is performed in the laboratory, as the venous blood of the animal is needed for the study. The hormone is determined in the blood serum.


How do you know that the dog is pregnant at a later date? This can be done with the help of radiography, starting from 42 days, when the process of calcification of skeletons takes place in the fetuses. X-rays determine the exact number of developing fetuses in the uterus, their position, the ratio of the size of the pelvis of the pregnant dog and the size of the fruit. Such information is of great importance in the presence of pathologies in the animal, in order to choose the strategy of labor management in time.

Late gestation

From the second month, the symptoms become apparent:

  • The animal begins to grow stout, the mammary glands swell, the stomach grows in size.
  • Active weight gain.
  • When palpation of the abdomen is well palpated puppies (this procedure is not recommended for owners of pregnant dogs themselves, to avoid injury due to lack of professional experience).
  • Pedigreed dogs can have colostrum on day 40. At first-born females, milk can appear only before birth, or immediately after them.
  • The indicator of the forthcoming birth is the decrease in rectal temperature. It drops sharply to 37-36 ° C in 10-24 hours before the onset of labor.

Features of the content

Making sure that the domestic pet in an interesting position, you need to make adjustments to her diet and diet.

A pregnant dog needs to be kept calm, to protect it from intrusive attention of children, to exclude active games with the ball and running. This does not mean that it should lie throughout the entire period of gestation. For her, walks in the forest and in the park are extremely useful. You can play with it, but without fanaticism. Long walks should be replaced by shorter ones, but walking more often than usual.

In the diet should be present foods with a high content of calcium, vitamins and minerals. The daily menu should include:

  • Boiled meat (beef and veal).
  • Sea fish.
  • Porridge of buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • Eggs.
  • Vegetables fruits.
  • Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese.

In the second half of pregnancy, a solution of vitamin E should be added to food. Also, on the advice of the veterinarian of the future mother, vitamin supplements should be added to the diet in combination with mineral compounds.

Shortly before birth, the sleeping place of the pitoma is to be arranged so that it is convenient for him in childbirth. It should be spacious and secluded.

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