Postoperative period in cats. Cat food in the postoperative period.

Those people who still decided to sterilize their cat, the first question arises as to how to care for a cat after sterilization? This operation in the case of a cat is much more complicated than with a cat, so it is necessary to approach the procedure with all responsibility and ensure good care of the cat after sterilization. In the first few hours after the completion of the operation, your purr will especially need your attention. So you will need to provide care and support to the cat.

Care of the cat after sterilization at home in the first hours

In general, the behavior of the cat after sterilization will remain the same and absolutely normal for you. All the instincts and habits of the cat will continue, including the desire for motherhood. The only thing that will disappear is the opportunity to become pregnant, and, accordingly, to produce offspring. On this, in fact, and calculated the sterilization of cats care after the operation, we will consider below.

Care of the animal in this state requires special attention and accuracy on the part of the owner. In no case can you leave the cat alone until it stops from the effects of anesthesia and starts consciously moving without outside interference.

A cat wakes up in about 3-6 hours. It depends largely on the drug, its dose and the characteristics of the organism of your pet. How to care for a cat after a sterilization operation is best to consult a veterinarian and get the most complete information that will take into account the characteristics of your cat.

   After surgery, the animal should be protected from an additional burden on the heart, so that the cat should be placed on the right side. Sleepiness and general lethargy of the cat after the operation is normal and usually passes this state very quickly. Most cats already return to their normal lifestyle the next day.

If after the sterilization of the cat for a long time remains the same sluggish, then do not delay the time. It is better to consult a doctor right away. In addition, if the veterinarian suggests leaving the cat under medical supervision for the first time, it is better to agree.

Care for a cat after sterilization at home involves a number of details. You should know that at first the animal can not even blink independently, which is fraught with the drying out of the mucous membrane of its eyes. So even with this you have to help, gently closing and opening the cat's eyelids with your fingers at intervals of half an hour before the moment when she does not blink herself.

After waking up the cat should give a little water. Do not think that she will start drinking herself - use a pipette to pour a few drops of liquid into her mouth. In addition, in any case, do not leave dishes with water next to the animal, because it can easily fall asleep, dropping the muzzle into it.

How to care for the seam after sterilizing the cat?

Postoperative suture requires no less attention than the general condition of the animal. For treatment, use antiseptic ointments, or liquids. Chlorhexidine has a significant healing effect. Do not overdo it with the treatment, if around the seam there is no redness and swelling. In its area, a small bulge may appear, the cause of which is the proliferation of granulation tissues. This in itself is not a cause for concern and the bump itself will resolve itself a few weeks after the operation. The behavior of the cat after the sterilization operation can not be predicted clearly.

Some are completely indifferent to it, others on the contrary try with all their might to comb it, or to pour it. One of the important tips is the use of a special pommel to avoid getting the bacteria on the seam from the tongue and claws of the animal. The design is a simple overall of fabric on the strings, which can be dressed and removed without any problems. The fabric is light and natural, so that the animal is comfortable. In no case do not overtighten the ties, otherwise it can obstruct the access of air to the seam, as a result of which it can even get stung.

   The most suitable age for the operation of an animal is from six months to a year. Among other things, it is recommended to prepare two poncids: one will be worn by your cat, while the second one can be washed. Make sure that there is nothing on the blanket that could cling to furniture, or other items.

In addition, whenever possible, minimize cat movements until the seams are removed. In general, the healing process does not take much time: the wound is delayed approximately on the third day, and on the tenth, maximum twelfth, the veterinarian will remove the stitches. If special absorbable threads are used, a second visit will not be necessary to remove them.

Regularly check the body temperature of the cat. Under the influence of anesthesia, it usually goes down a couple of degrees, which causes the animal to tremble and feel chills. The feet will also feel more cold than usual. Help the cat can be covered with a warm towel, or laid on the hot water bottle. Heating lamps can also come in handy. Do not put the animal on an elevation such as sofas, or armchairs to avoid injury.

   Having woken up from anesthesia, the cat can jump and run, not especially still being guided in space, because of what the fall will be inevitable. Remember that in the first ten to twelve hours your pet will be almost helpless. In addition, lethargy, disorientation and uncertainty of gait can be manifested to a great extent. Sometimes a cat will simply stick to the furnishings and fall, sluggishly pawing.

Remove wires, threads, any sharp or dangerous objects from the floor. It is very important for the cat to remain after the procedure at rest, so for a while it should be protected from moving games, especially with children. If your pet is trying to get up and go somewhere, try to carefully return it to the equipped couch, try to calm her down. Put a clean tray in the room.

Feed the cat after sterilization

The behavior of a cat after sterilization on the second day is usually characterized by loss of appetite, together with a general retardation of the reaction. It should be fed with digestible food one day after the operation, and water after three hours. In addition, the cat can and generally refuse to eat, which in itself is quite normal. Force it does not need to feed at all. In addition, dramatically change the diet after surgery is not recommended. The transition to special food should be done gradually without haste.

An important point is not so much what exactly to feed, but how to maintain the normal state of the animal's figure. Because of the reduced energy expenditure in a cat, a tendency to obesity may develop. Therefore, you should adjust the diet of your pet accordingly.

Among other things, you should not give the cat food for 12 hours before the operation in order to make it easier to carry out the anesthesia. Today, there is a sufficient range of feeds specifically for sterilized cats. If you use natural food, you should reduce the amount of a daily portion. Fish should be given once a week, not more often, and best of all in boiled form, low-fat. The daily portion of food should be reduced by ten to twenty percent, while not forgetting about active games.

In the event that three to four days after sterilization the animal continues to refuse to eat, mews and can not lie on the stomach, then it is necessary to contact the veterinarian.

In addition to this, the cat can suffer from involuntary urination the first day, so remove the carpets and spread the oilcloth. It is also important not to provoke constipation in the animal, otherwise there is a risk of divergence of stitches, if the cat will push too hard. Also, keep a pack or a small pot at hand, as vomiting can occur after anesthesia. When the cat begins to constantly lick, pay special attention at this time, since this behavior is a signal for rapid vomiting.

As to how the behavior of a cat changes after sterilization, it can be said that all changes are temporary in the rehabilitation period after the operation. During this period, you should pay special attention and clearly follow the instructions of the veterinarian. Completely recovering from the procedure, the cat will behave in the usual way, and no changes in character you will not notice.

All lovers of cats once faced with the issue of sterilizing their pet or not. Our grandmothers, having 2-3 cats in their house, were not tormented by such a question, because although cats brought kittens every year, natural selection did its job: cats lived 4-6 years and more than three in the household still did not have . In the last resort, each village had its own Gerasim. At present, we have built pets in the rank of full members of the family and can not solve the problem with kittens in a barbaric way. In this matter, veterinary medicine meets and offers such operations as castration in cats and sterilization in cats.

Sterilization is subjected to animals for two main reasons.

  1. During estrus, the cat behaves inadequately and aggressively, which disrupts the normal course of life of the whole family. In addition, the owners are frightened by the very fact of the appearance of kittens.
  2. Sterilization is indicated to the animal as prescribed by the doctor. This happens when mastopathy, tumors of reproductive organs.

It is believed that such an operation should be performed after the first birth. In fact, in each case, it is individual and only a veterinarian can determine the timing of the operation.

Before visiting a doctor, you must:

  • to acquire a blanket which the animal will wear after the operation;
  • prepare a sheet or diaper on which the cat will be in the first 24 hours after the operation;
  • take with you a portable basket or a carry-over, the main thing is that the bottom should be rigid, and also a package and special wet wipes in case the animal will vomit after anesthesia.

The cat needs to be fed 12 hours before the forthcoming procedure, and the water should be given no later than three hours before the operation. it will reduce the burden on the heart  and ensures that the cat will carry the operation easier. For the same reason, the operation is scheduled for the morning. In addition, it will be more convenient for owners to take care of an animal in the first 12 hours after sterilization.

Care of a cat after sterilization

The duration of the sterilization operation is about one hour. The owners usually do not allow this procedure and they wait in the waiting room. At that time you can get detailed advice  on how to care for a cat after sterilization.

From anesthesia, the animal can go from 2 to 12 hours. For an organism this is the strongest stress, therefore at this time the cat can stir up. It is better to be ready for this immediately and take a bag and napkins with you to the veterinary clinic.

Transporting the animal in public transport will hardly work, so it is necessary to take a taxi. In a bag for transportation it is better to lay a diaper, and in a cold season it is possible to take advantage of a warmer, as at a cat the heat exchange because of a narcosis will be broken. It is important that the bottom of the carrying is stiff and does not bend under the weight of the calf.

Place for an operated cat

At home, you also need to arrange an animal on a straight surface. It is necessary to avoid high places. For an animal that is anesthetized, this can be dangerous. Soft warm litter is better to lay with disposable non-wetting diapers  or sheets. It is necessary to provide the cat with heat. It can be a blanket, a hot-water bottle or something else. Next to the couch, you must have fresh water. Behavior of pets will be inadequate for the first 12 hours after sterilization:

  • the cat can have eyes open, but in fact she is sleeping. To the eyes do not dry out, they must be dripped with a special remedy before the operation. If this is not done, the veterinarian may advise you to blink for her, that is, carefully close her eyelids every 5 minutes;
  • the animal can begin to walk, while bumping into objects and falling. Just return it to the prepared place. A cat under the influence of anesthesia does not realize its actions and the dangers they caused, so in no case do not arrange a couch for them on the tables, sofas and other surfaces that are from the floor above 10 cm. Moreover, when she moves away from anesthesia, she will be painfully climbing to a higher place for rest;
  • under the influence of drugs, the animal can go to the toilet under itself. Just wipe it with special wet wipes and change the diaper.

Reconstructive postoperative period

After the operation, the veterinarian will certainly explain how to take care of the cat after sterilization. Perhaps, antibiotics will be prescribed. They can be put to the animal on their own, and can be carried to the clinic. It is better to buy insulin syringes for injections. They have a more delicate needle and the animal will not feel any discomfort.

The seam should be treated twice a day green or special composition, which will be sold immediately after surgery in the pharmacy of the veterinary clinic. Care should be taken to ensure the cleanliness of the postoperative suture. It will not be difficult to do this, since before the sterilization of the tummy, the cat will be beaten with nails. For this procedure, you will need two people: one will process the seam, and the second will hold the animal so that it does not break out and does not injure itself. For dressing, the blanket should be removed or weakened in order to have access to the seam. After treatment, the protective corset is dressed again. In case of inflammation, you need to see a doctor immediately.

It is very important that the patient does not take off the blanket for the first two weeks after the operation, otherwise there is a risk that the seams may disperse or any complications may arise. It is better to restrict your pet's activity during this period, not allow them to jump on high surfaces  or, conversely, jump off them. In general, there are no special environmental requirements, but if the cat lived in the yard before the operation, it should be taken to the house for two weeks of recovery to ensure proper sanitary standards.

Cat food in the postoperative period

In the first two days after the operation, the cat is unlikely to show interest in food, while fresh water should always be near the animal. If the appetite does not appear on the third day, you should immediately contact the veterinarian. You can feed your cat with its usual food. The only thing that can be changed in the diet is change over from dry to wet

The owners of cats are increasingly thinking about sterilizing their pet with the goal of maintaining health. A qualified doctor will not allow postoperative complications and will dedicate the owner to all the subtleties of caring for the animal. However, it is not uncommon for a veterinarian not to provide owners with basic information for certain reasons. Then the question arises as to how to take care of a cat after sterilization.

Factors affecting the recovery of a cat after sterilization

Sterilization is a basic operation that can be carried out by an experienced specialist. To understand how long the cat will recover, study the main aspects.

  1. The most important thing is timely access to a specialist. If you sent the animal to sterilize on time, taking into account the recommendations of the doctor, then the pet will recover quickly. The optimal period is the time when the cat has not yet had estrus, pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, the tissues will recover in a short space.
  2. Rehabilitation depends on the age of the cat. Young individuals have strong health in contrast to the elderly. In cats, up to a year, all metabolic processes are at the optimum level. If you fed the animal well, vaccinated and given vitamins, there should be no problems with rehabilitation.
  3. The qualification of a veterinarian matters. For sterilization, only surgeons who have sufficient knowledge should be treated. An experienced doctor will perform the operation with a minimum tissue break, correctly put the seams. These aspects will lead to rapid healing of wounds.
  4. Restoration of the animal after sterilization also depends on the care that the owner will give to the pet. If you follow the recommendations of the veterinarian accurately, handle seams in a timely manner, feed and water the cat, the duration of rehabilitation will be reduced to a minimum.
  5. If a cat has any health problems, complications may occur after sterilization. A rise in body temperature, stitch consumption, and other ailments will increase the duration of recovery.

Care of the cat immediately after sterilization

  1. Extract.  It is important to take with all responsibility to caring for the animal in the first hours after surgery. There are clinics that take the animal out of anesthesia, then in the awakened state, the owner is handed over. However, more and more doctors prefer to "write out" cats from the clinic in a state of narcotic sleep. In the latter case, the surgeon must necessarily give advice on care.
  2. Warmer.  Being under anesthesia, the animal will increase breathing, but the pulse will become slower. At the same time, body temperature will fall by 2-3 degrees. In this state, the pet is susceptible to a sharp temperature drop, as well as drafts and cold. If you sent the animal for surgery in the winter or autumn, take care of an extra hot water bottle. From the back, place a bottle of warm water. During the entire transportation period, make sure that the container does not move to the operating wound. Otherwise, heat will cause bleeding.
  3. Transportation.  In advance, take care of the carry bag with a firm bottom, with which you will transport the cat. Spray a disposable diaper into the cavity, put a soft cotton cloth over it (a sheet folded into several layers). Place the animal in the bag. It is important that the python lies on the right side. Cover it with a blanket or a warm blanket.
  4. Arrival home.  After you arrive at your destination, leave the animal in the carry (if there is enough space in the bag). In other cases, lay a disposable diaper and a warm underlay (cloth) on the floor away from drafts. Do not leave the cat on the ground with a hill and too elastic surface (bed or sofa).
  5. Awakening.  The cat was under general anesthesia throughout the road. The way out of a sleepy state depends on a number of aspects, such as the type and dose of anesthesia, the individual characteristics of the organism, the weight of the pet's body, etc. If we talk on average, the cat will wake up in 2-8 hours. At this time it is important to constantly watch the darling. After going away from sleep, the cat will unconsciously move, jumping or running away. To prevent the animal from getting injured, choose a completely safe place for the cat.
  6. Care of the eyes.  After surgery, the veterinarian should give clear recommendations regarding the care of the animal. The thing is that when anesthetized, the eyes of cats remain open. Some owners are frightened, but have patience. To prevent the drying of the cornea, gently close the pet's eyelids at a frequency of 1 time in 30 minutes. You can do a light massage with eyelids, or drip cat drops (from drying out).
  7. Massage. Throughout the duration of the anesthesia, the cat should not be given water or food through strength. If the dream lasts too long, gently massage the paws and pads of the animal's fingers. Thus, you will accelerate the blood circulation throughout the body of the pet and prevent the flow of limbs.

The content and nutrition of the cat after sterilization

  1. When the darling comes away from anesthesia, she will begin to move more confidently. Offer a cat to eat, provide round the clock access to clean water.
  2. As for food, give the animal a special premium food with the appropriate mark "for sterilized cats." As a rule, the appetite returns to the end of the first or the beginning of the day's wake, following the operation.
  3. Some animals are sick after the first meal. Thus, anesthesia is reflected. After 2-3 days the cat will regain its appetite, digestion will be normalized.
  4. Doctors do not always give advice about feeding. In the first days, treat your pet with animal food that has undergone surgery. If the cat used to eat ordinary food, increase the milk and boiled vegetables content in its diet.
  5. Watch how often the animal defecates. If the cat is constipated (it does not go to the toilet more than 3 days), treat the python 4 g. vaseline oil. It is impossible to put enemas or water a cat with laxatives without consulting a doctor. If the constipation does not go away after taking the oil inside, contact your veterinarian.
  6. Many experienced doctors put on a cat a blanket that prevents the licking of the wound by the animal itself. Also, the device protects the wound from dirt. After the sterilization, the blanket is allowed to be removed when the wound is completely healed. Too "meticulous" cats (constantly licking themselves) take 10-12 days, all the rest - 3-9 days.

Cat after sterilization: grooming

  1. Closely monitor the post-operative suture of the animal. Ask the veterinarian how to handle the slice. As a rule, it is necessary to rinse the joint with an alumina. In this case, no additional drugs are required.
  2. If the doctor said that the treatment of the suture is necessary, spend it after 2-3 days after the operation. To the wound quickly healed, use an antiseptic. Suitable is the usual "green", hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, betadine, levomecol.
  3. In the first days after surgery, the seam can slightly swell, blush or become shiny, such phenomena are considered the norm. Often from the wound oozes a syphilis (a semitransparent liquid).
  4. The duration of the healing of the joint depends on a number of aspects. This includes the individual structure of animal tissues, the skill of the veterinarian, post-operative care, etc. If we take the average value, the cut is delayed after 10-12 days.
  5. Careful attention is paid to the seam on the fifth day of antiseptic treatment. It is important that the edges do not divide by more than 1 mm. Also, the wound should be dry, without pus and other fluid.
  6. Many doctors practice sterilization, in which the suture is applied with a resorbable material. Such threads do not need to be removed. If you wish to conduct the procedure of removal on your own, find out about the manipulations in more detail by the doctor.
  7. The technique does not present difficulties. You need to know how many stitches were applied. Armed with tweezers and scissors, sterilize the instruments. Pull the forceps with a pair of tweezers, cut one thread with scissors. Gradually get rid of the rest of the material.

Possible complications of the cat after sterilization

It is not always easy to sterilize. Unfortunately, in 20% of cases there are postoperative complications, which entail serious consequences.

You need to be alerted if you have the following symptoms:

  1. Absence of a cat's appetite for 4-5 days after the operation.
  2. Elevated body temperature (39.5 degrees) on the fifth day after sterilization.
  3. Apathy and drowsiness, which accompany the cat in the first 5 days.
  4. Puffy, red, bleeding, cuffed suture on the fifth day after surgeon intervention.
  5. Unbearable pain, in which the cat "yells" constantly.

The above signs indicate that rehabilitation is not going as well as it should. Consult a surgeon who performed the operation.

  1. Many owners of furry pets believe that after an operation, the cat will become sluggish, fat, not cheerful. However, such profound statements are extremely erroneous. Sterilization positively affects the health of the animal and sexual behavior.
  2. So, after 1.5-2 months the hormonal background of the cat returns to the usual mark. It significantly stabilizes due to the reduction of hormones, which now remain at a minimum level.
  3. After this, the owner can notice the changed behavior of his fluffy girlfriend. The cat spends more time with the household, demanding caresses. She is less alone.
  4. The pet will not suffer because of the constant sexual instincts. A cat is more playful and receptive to a person, trying to be close.
  5. If you have previously raised the issue of settling a second pet, you can carry out the conceived after the complete rehabilitation of the first pet. The cat will be playful, friendly and caring towards a new member of the family.

If sterilization takes place during the cold season, take care of the plaid and the cat warmer. On arrival, do not place the operated ptomitsu on high surfaces, allocate her a place on the floor. Watch your eyes, provide 24-hour access to water. Buy a forage marked "For sterilized cats," in a timely manner, wash the seam. At the slightest sign of complications, take the animal to the vet.

Video: How to help a cat after sterilization

We pay attention:

Our Center offers a unique sparing method for sterilizing a cat, after which the rehabilitation of the animal is minimized. { }

Care of the cat after sterilization by the standard method

If you have any reason to take your cat home and take care of it yourself, you will have to follow certain recommendations. When you take a cat to sterilize in a clinic, place a towel or rag on the bottom of the carcase, the warmer, the better. After the operation, the body temperature of the animal may fall slightly, so the cat will need to wrap in something warm.

Bringing the operated animal home, the first day you will have to observe how it departs from anesthesia. Spread something warm on the floor and put a cat on the mat. Please note that there must be no drafts in the room. Do not put a pet on the surface (for example, on an armchair or a sofa): coming out of anesthesia, the animal can suddenly jump on its paws and run and will certainly fall to the floor from a height.

The movements of a cat emerging from anesthesia are not coordinated. She can get up, go a few steps and fall again, she can bury herself in a corner and helplessly move her paws. The animal is not yet adequate. Just gently take it and put it back on the litter. Remove from the floor hot and sharp objects, note that on the floor there should be no threads or wires in which the cat can get confused. Remember: she is practically asleep and completely helpless. It is desirable that the cat after sterilization lay on the right side (not on the left, so that there is no additional burden on the heart after the operation).

Cats do not close their eyes during anesthesia. Their eyes are open even during surgery. To avoid drying out the mucous membrane of the eyes, a special solution is instilled. But you still have to close and open the cat's eyelids with your fingers every 20-30 minutes until it starts blinking itself or until it closes your eyes. In the mouth, the cat will dry up, so it is advisable to moisten it with water or gently water the cat from the pipette, making sure that it swallows the liquid and does not choke. You need very little water, give a drop.

A cat after sterilization can scare you with your behavior. Remember: if a cat sleeps, and then suddenly wakes up and starts to run, and then as suddenly falls; if she tries to crawl somewhere or scratches her paws on the floor, if she meows or hisses, and then falls silent; if walking against the corners and walls - this is normal. The animal is disoriented, that's all. However, if it seems to you that with the release of a pet from anesthesia, something is wrong - call the veterinarian who was doing the operation.

At a cat or a cat after operation in the first day there can be an involuntary urination. Watch out for the animal to move around on surfaces that will not be easy to clean. In addition, the cat after anesthesia can snatch. Have any bag or pot ready at the ready. Usually, before vomiting, the cat begins involuntarily without ceasing to lick. Pay attention to this.

Care for castrated cat on this ends. Already after about 24 hours he will feel much better, and after 3-4 days will calmly move around the apartment. No stitches will be imposed on him.

Care for a sterilized cat is much more difficult. She will be put on a special blanket, and this can not be removed before the stitches are removed. 10-14 days after sterilization. Stitches will need to be processed regularly (for this, the horsecloth is removed from the hind legs, and after the treatment is put back on). This danger is connected with this blanket: in 5-6 days the cat may seem that it is already healthy, and the tail will again try to jump on the nightstand, the window sill, the sofa, etc. It is likely that the cat will not be able to jump a cat. It happens that the blanket hooks on something (for example, the handles on the door of the nightstand) and the cat hangs on it. First, to remove the cat will not be easy: it will loudly meow, squirm, sizzle, bite and scratch. Secondly, if this happens, when no one is at home, the consequences can be terrible. Before the removal of stitches, limit the movement of the cat in the house, try to protect it from the above-described danger.

Be attentive to your pet after the surgery. Follow the directions of the veterinarian and do not be afraid to call him if something happens to the cat after sterilization. Then your pet will safely endure the postoperative period, and there will be no complications.

dr. Biol. Surikov E.A.

The most exciting moment passes and the veterinarian reports that. Now it is necessary to understand, what care after a cat after sterilization is necessary? Your pet, as never before, needs the care and caress of its owners. In this article we will consider the issues of how to care for a cat after sterilization.

Care of the cat in the first hours after sterilization

It is the first time a watch after sterilization for a cat needs good care, because it will experience weakness, and perhaps even nausea. How can you help your pet? Here are some tips of the veterinarian of our clinic:

  1. Dryness of the conjunctiva of the eyes - under anesthesia in cats, the eyes remain open. During the operation, the veterinarian closes the cat's eyelids, so that the eyes do not dry out, and after the operation this will need to be done to you, approximately once every 10 minutes. Anyone can apply in the eye special drops "Diamond eyes" or tetracycline ointment.
  2. Lower body temperature - after anesthesia in cats, body temperature decreases by about 1-1.5 degrees, while the kitty feels chills and trembles. To your cat does not freeze, it is recommended to warm the animal after the operation. This can be done in several ways: a hot-water bottle, cover with a towel or place a cat under a warm-burning lamp.
  3. Shaky gait - after anesthesia, cats have muscle weakness and the animal acquires a "drunken gait." This state is observed for several hours, so right now and. Carefully watch that the cat does not jump on the windowsill, wardrobe and even the bed, since, not yet having strength in the muscles after anesthesia, can not resist and injure themselves.
  4. Treatment of the surgical suture is carried out daily with antiseptic means. The veterinarian after the end of the operation will show you how to handle the seams and will recommend what means to do it. Removal of surgical sutures, if it is not a cosmetic suture, should be carried out for 10-12 days
  5. The cuff is a special clothing for cats after sterilization, which protects the surgical suture from contamination and from cat spitting. The cuff should be worn before the stitches are removed
  6. Feeding the cat after sterilization - as a rule, after sterilization in cats, appetite is reduced. However, after a few hours most cats are already trying to find food, the other half of cats appetite will appear only on 2-3 days. The first feeding of cats after sterilization should not be more than 50% of the normal diet.

Video "Care after a cat after castration"

Care for sterilized cats during life

After sterilization, cats return to their habitual way of life for 3-4 days. The only thing that still makes them uncomfortable is the daily processing of the surgical suture and the wearing of the pommel. But cats after sterilization slopes to obesity, so the owners should think about the correct feeding. Here we will outline the basic principles of feeding cats after sterilization.

Natural feeding

If you prefer to organize the feeding of a cat with natural food, consider that after sterilization the cat needs much less energy than before the operation. In the body, the amount of estrogenic hormones that contribute to the burning of energy is reduced and now all the excess energy starts to be converted into adipose tissue.

The diet should include meat dishes, fermented milk products of low fat content (up to 5%), porcupine porridge, rice, fruits and vegetables.

Ready feed

Preferred prefabricated fodders for sterilized cats and, since they already calculated the optimal amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and contains the recommended amount of energy. Such feeding allows you to keep the health of your pets for years to come.

We list the companies that produce such feeds and have proven themselves in the veterinary community - Hills, RoyalCanin, Purina, Eucanuba.

We hope that the dear reader has received all the necessary information on caring for the cat after sterilization. But if you have unclear questions, visit our forum or, and you will be consulted for any questions about sterilization of cats.

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